Up Close With: Jo Wilson

Meet the wonderful writers and patrons behind LWS.

Peppur Chambers
London Writers’ Salon


With a zest for learning new things while also feeding her own soul, Jo Wilson seeks to spread compassion to others with her words. Here in this space? Mission accomplished. Read on!

Jo Wilson

  • Based in Knowl Hill, Berkshire.
  • Age 58.
  • Writes PhD, academic journals and books about palliative care and bereavement.

What are you working on right now?

Two things: reflections for my nursing revalidation, and I have ideas for fourteen topics for bereavement.

Where and when do you write?

I love to write in the very early morning. I have created a study with a view and with things that inspire me, and I love to work there.

How do you write?

Diary by hand. Writing by computer.

Why do you write?

I feel connected with myself and can think differently.

What inspires your creativity?

My work with patients and families and the meaningfulness of connectivity between humans.

Where nature speaks.

What’s your favourite book?

For work: The Spiritual Lives of Bereaved Parents, Dennis Klass.
For bedtime reading: Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone, Diana Gabaldon.
For personal learning: The 5AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life, Robin Sharma.

What’s the best advice you’ve received about creativity?

Turn up and show up regularly.

What’s the one thing you would tell other/aspiring writers?

Learn about the publishing world. I was invited to write for academic texts and I am grateful for these opportunities. I wrote three chapters for others and then wrote two chapters and co-edited a major text book due to be published at the end of May 2024. Writing was great and I love writing, learning about the topic, learning about writing with others and learning about myself. Publishing is a different skill and I had no idea (I apologise), and as I write in the future I want to learn about the process of publication.

How can we discover more about you and your work?

My academic writing can be found here:

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9144-6088

Jo’s writing view; where calm speaks.

✍️ Write with Jo and hundreds of other writers each weekday at Writers’ Hour (it’s free).

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Peppur Chambers
London Writers’ Salon

The Hot One. 🔥{Writer. Producer. Educator.} Empowering women & telling stories of heroes. www.penandpeppur.com IG: @peppurthehotone AUTHOR: Harlem's Last Dance