Up Close With: Libya Pugh

Meet the wonderful writers and patrons behind LWS.

Peppur Chambers
London Writers’ Salon


Libya Pugh is a powerhouse of ideas, vision and wisdom. She speaks her mind and uses her words to allow others to hear her. Lean in and listen. Enjoy!

Libya Pugh

  • Based in New York and Florida
  • Age: 50
  • Writes anything that calls to her

What are you working on right now?

A variety of projects but I’m mainly focusing on my poetry and dialogue for a play about being a Black woman in America.

Where and when do you write?

Outside by nature in the mornings mostly.

How do you write?

I write by hand and by my iPhone or computer.

Why do you write?

I write to get thoughts out of my head. I write because I want to create stories and leave them behind. I write to find community, like here at LWS.

What inspires your creativity?

Other creative people. I’m motivated by anything artistic; it’s how I get ideas and inform my own.

A magnitude of inspiration.

What’s your favourite book?

Too many to name but I pick The Alchemist, Women Who Run with the Wolves and The Red Tent.

What’s the best advice you’ve received about creativity?

You’re exactly where you need to be.

What’s the one thing you would tell other/aspiring writers?

Never give up! Keep going, keep writing. A little goes a long way.

How can we discover more about you and your work?

INSTA and FACEBOOK: Libya V Pugh

Libya’s writing view.

✍️ Write with Libya and hundreds of other writers each weekday at Writers’ Hour (it’s free).

Connect with fellow writers and build a successful, creative career with London Writers’ Salon.



Peppur Chambers
London Writers’ Salon

The Hot One. 🔥{Writer. Producer. Educator.} Empowering women & telling stories of heroes. www.penandpeppur.com IG: @peppurthehotone AUTHOR: Harlem's Last Dance