Up Close With: Samuel Burr

Meet the wonderful writers and patrons behind LWS.

Peppur Chambers
London Writers’ Salon


“The wonderful thing about writing is that you — the writer — are the only person who’s going to make it happen, or not.” London-based author, Samuel Burr, reminds us that the intimacy of writing is ours and ours alone. Read on and enjoy a moment of fellowship with Samuel.

Samuel Burr

  • Based in London.
  • Age 33.
  • Writes contemporary adult fiction.

What are you working on right now?

It’s publication week for my debut novel, The Fellowship of Puzzlemakers!

Where and when do you write?

I’ve learnt how to write anywhere in the last year or so. It’s a completely different discipline, writing a second book while you promote the first. Don’t get me wrong, it’s an enormous privilege and something I would never complain about, but I have had to become a lot more flexible when it comes to finding writing time and trying to get words down even if the circumstances aren’t perfect. Some words are better than no words at all, after all.

How do you write?

I plot and plan by hand and write on my laptop. It’s funny, I’m so used to editing my prose as I go on screen that I’m not sure I’d know where to begin writing with a pen and paper!

Why do you write?

I write because no one can tell me not to! My background is in TV production where, in order to get one of my ideas greenlit, I’d need approval from countless people and a million-pound budget signed off before we could even take the lens cap off the camera. The wonderful thing about writing is that you — the writer — are the only person who’s going to make it happen, or not. It’s all in your control. Of course, what happens next (when you reach the publishing side of things) is different, but at least, by that point, the story exists in the world. You’ve made something out of nothing!

What inspires your creativity?

I’m endlessly inspired by other writers and their extraordinary tenacity in getting their stories out into the world. There is something about the Writers’ Hour that feels like magic. All those people sitting in their little boxes on Zoom, all focused on the same thing. It can’t help but have an effect. A visit to a bookshop gives me the same feeling. All those stories, all this incredible talent and creativity. It can’t help but lift your spirits and inspire you to keep going.

What’s your favourite book?

I’m immensely fond of a book called We All Want Impossible Things by Catherine Newman. Ostensibly it’s a book about dying and yet, it’s one of the funniest books I’ve read too. It tells the story of two best friends — Edi and Ash — and follows the pair as Edi starts to receive palliative care and prepares for the end of her life. Doesn’t sound hilarious does it, but I love books that make you laugh and cry. The tone is perfect. It feels so real and raw and all the more moving for it.

What’s the best advice you’ve received about creativity?

Someone once told me that a book is never finished, but it’s ‘ready’. As a perfectionist who can find it hard to let go, I found that immensely useful. I think if I hadn’t heard that I might still be tweaking my manuscript now!

What’s the one thing you would tell other/aspiring writers?

Just don’t give up. It can feel like such an endless slog writing a novel but find joy in the process and there’ll be no reason for you to stop. Learn from books you love (and don’t love) and build your network. It can be an incredibly lonely pursuit, but the writing community is immensely supportive and inclusive. Get involved!

How can we discover more about you and your work?

My debut novel, The Fellowship of Puzzlemakers, is out now.

Reflection #32.

Samuel’s inspirational writing view.

✍️ Write with Samuel and hundreds of other writers each weekday at Writers’ Hour (it’s free).

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Peppur Chambers
London Writers’ Salon

The Hot One. 🔥{Writer. Producer. Educator.} Empowering women & telling stories of heroes. www.penandpeppur.com IG: @peppurthehotone AUTHOR: Harlem's Last Dance