Up Close With: Sarah Elliott

Meet the wonderful writers and patrons behind LWS.

Lauren McMenemy
London Writers’ Salon
4 min readJan 5, 2023


She’s a fast one, this patron. Sarah Elliott is both a poet and an afficionado of the shortest of the short: flash fiction in all its forms. She loves the short stuff so much she volunteered to lead the new Flash Fiction Writing Room in the LWS community portal. But that’s a relatively new string to Sarah’s bow. (Hey — she hails from the land of Robin Hood; we needed an archery reference somewhere!) With one book of poetry under her self-published belt and work underway on more, Sarah is one who just loves to turn bolts of lightning into flashes of on-page brilliance.

Sarah Elliott (she/her)

  • Based in Nottingham, England: “Good old Robin Hood!”
  • Aged 49: “feeling it but also frolicking in it”
  • Hosts the new LWS community Flash Fiction writing room

What do you write?

I currently write poetry — some for reading (obviously) and some to perform as spoken word at open mic events. It’s generally around self development, growth and my observations of the world in terms of how emotions present and impact. I would really like to start writing some blogs and maybe flash fiction (something fantasy or sci-fi maybe?).

What are you working on right now?

My first blog that I’m planning to share on Medium (at the most moment, it’s only a storm of ideas!). I’m also working on a poetry anthology with three other great poets. It will be the second book that I self publish. My first is Warrior Wisdom Sun: Poems on battle, lessons and liberation (I don’t mention it enough so thought I’d take the opportunity!).

Where and when do you write?

I write mostly at home inside at my desk or sometimes sat on the floor or my bed if I’m using a notebook. I tend to either write very first thing in the morning if inspiration hits or in the evening. I have to watch myself in the evening because I keep going like a Duracell bunny and forget I have to go to bed to wake up early for work! I work as an advisory teacher for children with learning difficulties and I’m also a self-employed acupuncturist. So when I sit down to write, I like to do as much as I can. Writers’ Hour is also great for focus and accountability.

How do you write?

If I get hit by a bolt of lightning when I wake up (painful I know but gets your butt into gear), I’ll grab my notebook and write by hand. If I’m out and about and don’t have pen and paper to hand then I type on my phone using the Pages app. I also type on my computer. My ideas come thick and fast if I’m writing by hand but the downside is I can’t always read my writing so I have to type it up straight away. With poetry, when I feel inspired I just hit record on my phone voice app and go for it. Then I upload to Temi to transcribe it and edit. I am grateful for tech but I do like my notebook and pen!

Why do you write?

To get it all out! My mind is always buzzing with so much and I find inspiration practically anywhere so I like to get my ideas down. It’s also a form of mental and emotional self care to help verbalise my emotions and see my thoughts on paper (or screen) so I can begin to process and understand them. I share my work because I have found that so many people resonate with it or are inspired. If I have an idea and there’s no one around to share it with, then I write it and it becomes something else.

What inspires your creativity?

Anything! Nature, a quote from a TV or movie, conversation with a friend, an emotion, an experience, other writers, artists, my two daughters…

Sarah takes inspiration from anything, but especially from family

What’s your favourite book?

Stranger with my Face by Lois Duncan — it’s the book I think I’ve read more times than any other even though I was at school at the time.

What’s the best advice you’ve received about creativity?

Do what feels good!

What’s the one thing you would tell other/aspiring writers?

Don’t let anyone tell you that you are not a writer just because somewhere in your head you ‘don’t fit the mould’!

How can we discover more about you and your work?

You can catch me on Instagram @writingforlight, on TikTok @writingforlight and soon I’ll be on Medium. My book Warrior Wisdom Sun is available on Amazon. (Oooh, two plugs — I’m on a roll!)

Here’s what Sarah sees when she looks down from the screen

✍️ Write with Sarah and hundreds of other writers each weekday at Writers’ Hour (it’s free).

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Lauren McMenemy
London Writers’ Salon

Weird girl in the corner | Gothic & Folk Horror Writer | Writing Coach | Trainer & Facilitator | Mental Health Advocate | wherelaurenwrites.com | 👻🧛‍♀️🔮😈