Up Close With: Tom Smithson

Meet the wonderful writers and patrons behind LWS.

Peppur Chambers
London Writers’ Salon


Tom Smithson has found his calling as a therapist and a writer. Melding the two, he lives in a space where helping others and helping himself co-exist quite nicely. Take a read and be inspired by this lovely and amazing individual.

Tom Smithson

  • Based in Wiltshire.
  • Age 31.
  • Writes: I mostly write for my work as a therapist, discussing ways of working and blogging about private practice. However my dream is to write a fiction book with a therapist as the main character.

What are you working on right now?

I am working on my debut book about working therapeutically with queer clients. It is due to be published by Karnac in 2025 — I am ever so slightly terrified! But it took 14 rejections and 3 years to get here so I won’t be stopping.

Where and when do you write?

I usually write in my office, but if I find myself getting distracted I walk to my local cafe for some writing (and some coffee & cake). I aim to join every morning session with LWS and all day on Fridays.

How do you write?

Computer all the way, I am dyslexic so anything written by hand is unreliable haha!

Why do you write?

Why not? I have one life to live, I am an existentialist and I want to live life to the full and leave the world knowing I have done something, left something behind (hopefully something good).

What inspires your creativity?

Conversation and connection. I really struggle with academic books, I find the tone hard to read. So whenever I find a book where it feels like the author is just having a chill and chat I feel inspired to do something similar.

What’s your favourite book?

Staring at the Sun: Overcoming the Fear of Death by Irvin D. Yalom.

What’s the best advice you’ve received about creativity?

Me: “I don’t know what I am doing” (with writing) …

Husband: “Well carry on anyway because not knowing seems to be working so far.”

What’s the one thing you would tell other/aspiring writers?

Just start, if not now, when?

How can we discover more about you and your work?

Tom’s writing view. Communication, hydration and inspiration all in one spot!

✍️ Write with Tom and hundreds of other writers each weekday at Writers’ Hour (it’s free).

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Peppur Chambers
London Writers’ Salon

The Hot One. 🔥{Writer. Producer. Educator.} Empowering women & telling stories of heroes. www.penandpeppur.com IG: @peppurthehotone AUTHOR: Harlem's Last Dance