Black. Lives. Matter.

As we mark the start of Pride Month we’re reminded how 50 years ago, pride began as a protest against police brutality.

Curtis Free
London Gaymers
2 min readJun 3, 2020


Following the brutal murder of George Floyd in America, never has it been more important for us to stand together with our black friends and remind ourselves why we will always be part of the fight for equality.

To our black members

We’re here with you. We will never stand for any form of racism or hatred in any of our spaces, online or off, we will always fight with you and we will never stop fighting until equality for all has been achieved. We also realise that we are not perfect, so if there’s ever anything we can do better, please stop us and tell us.

To our white members

It’s not enough for us to say we are allies, we have to demonstrate it. We all have to be prepared to do the work, to read and listen to antiracist literature, to not just dislike racism but work towards antiracism, to stop supporting media or organisations that promote hate, to truly try our best to appreciate the challenges that comes with something that we never will be able to understand and if you can afford to do so, donate to funds, charities and initiatives.

On that last point, the LG community is donating £300 toward BLM and anti racist charities. We will share details of where the money is being donated shortly.

If you’re looking for ways to learn, help, support or donate, here is some useful resource:

Two very powerful instagram posts on how to support BLM from the UK and how you can help be a true ally:

Literature you should consider reading/listening to:
Me and White Supremacy (Layla Saad)
How to be an Antiracist (Ibram X. Kendi)
White Fragility (Robin Diangelo)
Why I’m no longer talking to White People about Race (Reni Eddo-Lodge)

Some websites and links to fundraisers in support of Black Lives Matter:
Black Lives Matter: Minnesota Freedom Fund: George Floyd’s memorial fund: Brooklyn Bail Fund: Black Lives Matter UK Twitter:

Longer list of organisations to donate to:

Some sites that specifically support Black LGBT+ people:
Black Visions Collective:

Your safety and health always comes first, but if you’re able to do so safely, you may want to consider attending one of the peaceful protests in London this week.

Finally, please, keep checking in and looking out for one another. We all need that now from each other more than ever.




Curtis Free
London Gaymers

Brand designer based in London, UK and Co-founder of London Gaymers. Loves design, food, video games and dreams of travelling the world.