jay barnham
London Gaymers
Published in
4 min readOct 16, 2018


London Gaymers Spotlight is a fortnightly introduction to one of our members, where we get to know them and their thoughts on all things gaming. If you would like to be featured, get in contact on our Discord, Facebook or email at info@londongaymers.co.uk

Let’s start with an easy one, what’s your favourite game and why?

The Fallout 3 character creator

That’s not an easy question! It’s a tough call, but probably Fallout 3 (and before that, Morrowind). Character creation games have always had a special place in my heart. There’s something about being able to make yourself the hero you’ve always wanted to be that has always resonated with me. It’s the same reason I love World of Warcraft!

How did you discover London Gaymers, and when did you join? What does it mean to you to be part of this community?

I moved to London from Australia at the beginning of this year and accidentally stumbled upon LG while browsing Steam for LGBTQIA+ groups! I met up with a couple of the guys going to the ESL DOTA 2 tournament in Birmingham and became fast friends. Once I’d been to a couple of events I couldn’t keep myself away! LG is such a wonderful community, I have made so many great friends since joining, and there’s always an event coming up to look forward to. As a queer person, and especially as a trans woman, the gaming world can often be an intimidating place, but I have always felt welcome at London Gaymers and it has quickly become a big part of my life.

What was the first gaming machine you owned?

My first console was the original PlayStation with Crash Bandicoot. My parents won it in the second chance draw of the McDonald’s Monopoly promotion and I don’t think I would have got into gaming otherwise! The amount of times little 5 year old me must have led Crash to his doom in a spike pit or flattened him under a rolling boulder…

If you could create any game, what would it be?

Life Is Strange

I’d love to see more games with LGBT representation. We’ve seen some great stuff emerge recently, I’ve really enjoyed games like Life is Strange and Gone Home which have presented queer storylines in a much more developed and realistic manner than what we’ve seen previously. And we’re finally seeing some fantastic characters like Krem from Dragon Age, who just happen to be trans, or gay, but it’s not the focus of their identity. That said, I’d want to play a game in the style of Gone Home / Life is Strange but where the protagonist is trans. It would be a great way to show a glimpse into some of the experiences that trans people go through and the challenges that come with transition.

Who is your favourite character from a video game, and why?

Sylvannas Windrunner from Warcraft. Not only is she a badass boss, but her character arc is one of the best in the series. She’s been killed not once, not twice, but THREE times; she has gone to literal hell and bac;, and she has singlehandedly reunited her people under the Forsaken. And of course, she’s shattered the Azerothian glass ceiling, emerging as Warchief of the Horde and becoming the first ever female faction leader. Absolute goals!

What one thing would you change about the gaming industry as it currently stands?

I’d like to see a shift in how women are perceived in the industry. Gaming is a male-dominated hobby, so inherently it’s a difficult space for women to make waves. I’d love to see more women get involved in gaming, not only as players, but in the creation and development of the games we play and the stories told through the medium. There’s still quite a lot of hostility, especially in the competitive gaming world (trust me, I play Counter Strike), but I do feel like attitudes in general are improving. Oh, and some more LGBT representation wouldn’t hurt either!

What is you favourite moment from a game? What made it memorable?

My absolute favourite video game moment has to be the first time you leave the vault in Fallout 3. You’ve already spent some time in the vault, getting acquainted with the characters and developing the type of player you want to be (and enjoying growing up with Liam Neeson as your dad). But then everything is upturned and you’re forced to flee the vault. Once you open the vault door, you scurry to the surface and exit into the wasteland, only to be temporarily blinded by the sudden brightness of the outside world. The soundtrack kicks in, and the wasteland slowly fades into view around you, open, desolate, and begging to be explored.

Oh, and an honourable mention to WANTED: “Hogger” from WoW for my first introduction to group quests after multiple failed attempts to solo him at level 6…

