London Gaymers need you!

Help the LG community grow and become a London Gaymer Ambassador!

Curtis Free
London Gaymers
4 min readFeb 4, 2018


Over the last 18–24 months, London Gaymers has exploded in popularity and gone from strength to strength. The group puts on 100+ events every year from the ever popular Loading Bar to online streaming tournaments, cinema meet ups, welly Friday, switch meets, combat archery, crazy golf and more. We have fantastic online communities, guilds, socials, partnerships, the list goes on and on and on…

However there is only so much four people can do, and if we want to continue to be the best we need to change a few things.

Simply put, we can’t continue to grow and provide amazing experiences, meet ups, events, online streams, guilds and more, without help. This is where you all come in.

We need your help to make this group the absolute best it can be.

Introducing the London Gaymers Ambassador Programme!

We’re finding more and more people are asking:

“How can I get involved?”
“Wouldn’t it be great if London Gaymers did this?”
“I’d totally help out if I knew who to speak to!”
“I have a great idea for an event!”
“I’m really good at *****, I could help.”

All fantastic thoughts but with nowhere to direct them — until now!

We need you! No matter what skills you have, what you’re interested in and how much time you have to offer. We want you to enjoy helping to run this fantastic community and getting involved with your group.

To help structure this, we’ve assigned role specialisms to admins. These people will be your go-to contacts and help us better structure, organise and realise our goals going forwards. These are as follows:

  • Curtis — Content, Social & Game Lead
  • Rafael — Events & Network Lead
  • Justin — Diversity & Outreach Lead
  • Matt — Technical, Merchandise & Flagship Lead

So for example, if you’re wanting to start up a new online guild or clan and need some help or have an idea for a new blog, Curtis will help you do that. Or if you have ideas for new events and want to help run or organise one, we’ll put you in touch with Rafael. Just tell us what your ideas are, and what you’d like to volunteer to help with.

Why are we doing this?

We’re hoping this will allow a greater number and range of London Gaymers events, draw on the massive pool of experience and expertise in this fantastic community, and give you the opportunity to have even deeper engagement with the group. It also allows people to improve their skills and confidence and is a perfect development opportunity for your CV.

What activities can I get involved in?

Anything and everything! Whatever you want to be involved in and whatever skills you can offer. If you have an idea for something, we’ll try and make it happen. If you don’t know what you’d be good for but just want to get involved, thats great too — get in touch!

Some examples of this could be:

  • Running new events
  • Starting an online guild
  • Helping with existing events
  • Running LG online gaming streams or tournaments
  • Casters for online streams and tournaments
  • Create blog posts or thought pieces
  • Help run our social media channels (inc Reddit)
  • Get involved in networking events
  • Help PR London Gaymers
  • Video editors for YouTube content creation
  • Organising pub quiz events
  • Helping out at Loading Bar — from greeters to tournament organisers.
  • Photographer/photo editor
  • Starting a new initiative (LG Podcast?)
  • 3D modeller
  • Create seasonal campaigns
  • Create designs for new mechandise
  • Video editor
  • Newsletter editor
  • …and much more!

We also realise there are already lots of ‘ambassadors’ helping out:

  • Adam — Discord admin and World of Warcraft guild leader
  • Darren — Guild Wars 2 guild leader
  • Nathan — Helps to run our online Nintendo Night
  • Jackie — Motion graphics
  • Simon & Dan — Destiny 2 clan leaders
  • Matt, Steve, Rhys, Chris— D&D Dungeon Masters

We couldn’t keep this community going or put on so many events without the time volunteered by our members, so thank you!

These roles will be slightly more formalised so you will have a better idea of who you can speak to if you need help going forward.

“If you don’t know what you’d be good for but just want to get involved, thats great too, get in touch!”

Great stuff — so how do I actually get involved?

Just fill this very short application form:

Then we’ll get in touch. We will do our very best to make your idea happen, or we can discuss with you an appropriate role.

We’ll send you a welcome pack of information, get you set up on a special Ambassador Discord server to help discuss ideas and organise events and activities and help you put your ideas into action.


We hope you’re as excited as we are for the LG Ambassador Programme and if you have any thoughts, questions, ideas or just want a little help, you know you can find us all on Facebook, Discord, send us a message on Twitter (London Gaymers) or you can email us at

Curtis, Justin, Matt & Rafael



Curtis Free
London Gaymers

Brand designer based in London, UK and Co-founder of London Gaymers. Loves design, food, video games and dreams of travelling the world.