A long distance relationship, not so easy

But love cannot be contained by a location

Dennis Buizert
Long Distance Relationships


I fell in love with a beautiful woman last year. I am in the Netherlands, she is in Florida. It happened so quickly. A lot of struggles, uncertainties and little fights over things that wouldn’t happen if you lived close to each other.

The thing that is really important to us is communication. When we have our fights, usually over text, we end up talking about it on Skype.

Speaking of Skype we barely have it turned off. This is a way for me personally to close the gap and make it feel like we are close to each other. At night when I sleep, its with Skype on and when I leave for work I mute Skype and leave it on for her to sleep through it. Sometimes she will wake up and we text till she falls asleep again.

But then, the visits! When you book that flight to visit her. The feeling. Knowing you will be with each other for a short period makes it all worth it. The moment you land at the airport after nearly 18 hours of radio silence is so strong. The love and longing can be smelled and felt in an aura around you.

Those two weeks you’re together you cramp as much things into it. That also includes sex. Enough to last till the next visit. You end up going to restaurants, make everything romantic.

All this because love knows no bounds and cannot be contained. All this because the woman or man you love lives in a different time zones. But you love his or her so much. You keep doing it. Until you can no longer keep doing it and you end up either breaking up or taking it to the next level, marriage.

