Start over

Erika Halonen
Long Distance
Published in
2 min readJan 22, 2019

Sorry for the long silence. I was in Brazil the first two weeks of the year, with very limited online time.

Getting back to Finland just in time to see you before you headed off into your next adventure.

I didn’t make any new year’s resolutions, but prompted by my dear friend Nwabisa I took some time to reflect not only on the year that passed, but also on the one that lies ahead, and what I want from it. She has a habit of framing the new year in one word that will be her guiding word. I really liked this idea and did the same. The word I ended up with was “build”. I’d like to add “create” to it. They are almost the same, but not quite. This year I want to create more output, creatively speaking, as well as take conscious steps in building for the life I want moving forward… although I’m still figuring out what that means.

I want to move more, in more different ways. I want to take up drawing and painting again (which I haven’t done much since high school). I want to write. Not only here, but for myself, a journal, to make more sense.

The other night I dreamed about this, about the writing part. In my dream I was told I should write about the third kind of problem. I didn’t know what that means, but I googled it today. There is actually a classification of problems, mainly relating to social systems, in three: tame, complex and wicked. Wicked is the third, so that is what I will start looking into. Maybe it will open some doors.

I feel I’m crouching at the start of a race track. Ready. Get set. Just waiting for the “go”.

Today was my birthday. I spent it alone at home with an ear infection. It was not fun. I bought myself flowers. Is that sad? I know nobody else will buy them for me, but they are pretty and make me happy. But that is me, not relying on others, just giving myself the things I feel I need. In a way it feels very lonely. At the same time, I got more than 200 birthday wishes from friends from 32 different countries ( I counted). That is amazing! 200 people all over the world, literally, thought of me today. Oh, how I wish I could have them all here to celebrate with me.

When you have a chance, write here. Don’t make me wait as long as I made you wait. I’m dying to hear about your adventures.



Erika Halonen
Long Distance

I don’t know where “there” is, but every day I try to get a little bit closer.