4 Must-Read Books as an Affiliate Marketer, Especially as a Beginner Looking to Make Money Online.

Long. Sweet. Valuable.
6 min readMay 17, 2024


Mastering affiliate marketing isn’t just about strategy — it’s about immersing yourself in the wisdom of the right books.

Photo by Paul Melki on Unsplash

Let me share something real with you. I’m no guru. I'm just a regular person who’s been doing affiliate marketing for SOME YEARS NOW.

And guess what? Books have been my best companions on this journey.

Over the past 4 years, I have read countless books on affiliate marketing, mindset, and marketing.

99% were 1 idea stretched across 300 pages. They should have been blog posts.

Save yourself the time and just read these 4 books:

1. The 33 Strategies Of War

You cannot start a business without a proper or fixed mindset.

The mindset shift we need in our everyday lives is what this book talks about.

The 33 Strategies of war, it’s more like a practical book

It doesn’t tell you to sit down, use your imagination to achieve anything, or recite any affirmations that will make you feel better.

The timeless knowledge contained in this book goes beyond WAR (even though it talks more about it). It can be applied everywhere.

  • In politics
  • Business
  • Marriage Life
  • And anywhere we may find ourselves,.

The moment you AIM for results (whether by choosing a product, building an email list, building a landing page, or driving traffic), you are in the REALM OF STRATEGY.

It brings you into the common sense of the realities of life. It opens your mind, broadens your thinking, and makes you realize certain similarities

in your everyday life that you can apply to every situation.

Internet marketing (which includes affiliate marketing) is WAR: the target audience you want, your competitor also wants.

The traffic, the emails, the copy, and everything else IS BEEN SPIED ON; as they are also following the same path and method you are using.

That is where you need strategies, which the books teach, to outsmart them.

Again, when starting affiliate marketing, you need to stay focused and plan your way out through the campaign you set. And staying focused and having discipline are what you need.

To save you time and have a QUICK FIXED MINDSET on whatever you are doing, you need to take a look at SELF-DIRECTED WARFARE, which is the first division of the 4 parts of the book.

Here are some powerful quotes from the book:

Ideas from books are pointless if they have no application to life as you live it.

But the greatest battle of all is with yourself — your weaknesses, your emotions, your lack of resolution in seeing things through to the end. You must declare an unceasing war on yourself.

Grand strategy is the art of looking beyond the present battle and calculating ahead. Focus on your ultimate goal and plot to reach it.

To become a true strategist, you must become aware of the weakness and illness that can take hold of the mind. You must declare war on yourself to make yourself move forward.


Your mind is weaker than your emotions. But you become aware of this weakness only in moments of adversity, precisely the time when you need strength.

What best equips you to cope with the heat of battle is neither more knowledge nor more intellect.

What makes your mind stronger, and more able to control your emotions, is internal discipline and toughness.

No one can teach you this skill; you cannot learn it by reading about it. Like any discipline, it can come only through practice, experience, and even a little suffering.

The first step in building up presence of mind is to see the need for it and want it badly enough to be willing to work for it.

2. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion

If you want to succeed in affiliate marketing, you will need to know psychology.

We, as consumers, have been manipulated for a very long period of time. The people who know psychology are the ones who know what it takes to make us move toward their desired action.

Whether we like it or not,. We are all being manipulated by psychology at every moment, and it is something that makes it easy for people to sell to us.

We purchase items because other people have already purchased them.

  • This book is clear on the reason why others take out the money to buy things that other people have already bought and are recommending to others.
  • We human beings move like sheep, and where other people are moving, we feel the urge to move there too.

We listen to doctors about diseases and cures because they have AUTHORITY over us.

What makes your content stand out is the topic you know about, and the trust your target audience puts in you is the clarity you bring them.

Making you an authority in your field. The book takes you down into the rabbit hole and gives you deep understanding on how to be seen as one your field.

The freebies that make you submit your emails .

You keep hitting the buy button because you think you will never get such an offer back.

Everything that sales people use to get more sales and businesses use to build that brand successful in matter of days or months is based on psychology

And this book teaches what EXPLOITERS use to get what they want.

3. Great Leads

Before you start looking for a budget to spend on advertising, you must read this book.

It cuts through the crap and lays out exactly what works and what doesn’t work when you are trying to sell a product.

(which is what affiliate marketing is all about), selling other people's products.

Your landing page needs to stand out.

And you need to develop entire tactical strategies that will take your copy to a totally different level without being SEEN AS SALES GUY OR PERSON, which is what this book talks about.

For a reader or viewer to click on your content, whether they are reading it or watching it, start with a headline.

  • And your headline should be in the planning stage before writing.
  • For a fact, if you give the reader a reason why they have to give their time and listen to your message, then the message should promise something they cannot resist.
  • Your promise should be in your headline, just as it should be in your contents.

You should approach the copy by teasing your intended audience with a secret.

A secret only to be revealed after they have been so deeply emotionally connected to your copy, which makes the sales easy.

We human being make quick decisions when we are emotional. And using that emotional moment of your audience, you influence their decision-making and also make more sales.

Affiliate marketing and copywriting are like twice brothers.

They go together, and this is a must read book for affiliate marketers who want to make their copy stand out. Read more than once to get a better understanding.

4. Traffic Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Filling Your Websites and Funnels with Your Dream Customers

You need attention from people to sell anything.

The author , Russell, laid down the incredible steps to get more attention to your content; more eyeballs mean more sales.

Whether we are starting a blog, YouTube channel, or SaaS on the internet, what we require is MORE TRAFFIC, and following what Russell has laid down, we make our traffic dream come true.

It’s an EVERGREEN BOOK as compared to other books about driving traffic.

And for decades to come, these rules will still function effectively. using whatever means necessary to drive traffic, whether it is:

  • Paid traffic
  • Organic (or free) traffic

As the saying goes,

The Money is in the List

You should consider capturing your target audience's email addresses and building your list first. Having customers who can be retargeted with products makes sales easy.

And it is not something new; almost 80% of affiliate marketers know this, but not all of them know how to do it properly, and that is where Russell comes into the SCENE.

When I say Russell comes into the scene,

I am talking about a guy who has been in the industry with years of experience in the marketing world.

Not only has he been there for a very long period of time, but he has managed to help some of the BIG PLAYERS in the game with his strategies,

Big players like :

  • Robert Kiyosaki (the author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad)
  • Dean Graziosi
  • Grant Cardone
  • Tony Robbins

Using the same strategies that he teaches in the book, you can comfortably grow your business online.

He gives you the steps to combine them all into a master plan for TRAFFIC generation.

All this knowledge for less than $100!

Believe it or not, it takes less than $100.

You could make a difference, crush affiliate marketing, and make millions with this internet marketing approach.




Long. Sweet. Valuable.

Digital Writer & Online Entrepreneur | I talk about CPA Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, & Freelancing | Helping Others Make a Difference. fastanswerx.com