Upgrade Your Watchlist: 7 AI & Data Science Movies That Spark Thought & Debate 🍿

The Best of AI-Themed Movies 🎬

Long. Sweet. Valuable.
5 min readJan 3, 2024


By author

As a data scientist and movie lover, I’m always searching for films that explore AI and data science in an engaging way. If you need a break from your work, here are 7 thought provoking movies I recommend adding to your watchlist.

1. The Imitation Game (2014)

By Jack English—© 2014 The Weinstein Company.

I was blown away by Benedict Cumberbatch’s performance as Alan Turing in this film. As someone who has studied Turing’s pioneering work in computer science, it was thrilling to see his genius dramatized on screen. Cumberbatch perfectly captures his brilliant mind as well as his social awkwardness. And the film helped me appreciate the critical impact of his codebreaking efforts, which helped the Allies win World War II. I’d recommend this for the history lesson alone, but it’s also a moving character study of a persecuted genius.

2. Ex Machina (2014)

By Alpha Coders Network https://wall.alphacoders.com/big.php?i=615490

The ethical questions surrounding AI really come to the forefront in Ex Machina. When I first saw it, the premise of a programmer administering a "Turing test" to an advanced robot made me realize just how close we are to human like AI. But the film’s exploration of Ava’s emerging consciousness, manipulation, and sexuality also provoked some discomfort. I love that it draws you in with suspense and action, while leaving you with profound questions about playing God. It’s the kind of smart sci-fi that sticks with you for weeks after.

3. Her (2013)

By Courtesy of Warner Bros https://brandontalksmovies.com/2019/09/18/her/

This film was so poignant and thought provoking for me. At first, I laughed at Theodore’s attachment to his AI assistant Samantha. But as their relationship evolved, I was drawn into the plausibility of intimate human-AI relationships in the near future. It forced me to confront my own assumptions about love, connection, and what makes us human. The beautiful aesthetic and tone of the film stayed with me long after watching. It was an emotionally affecting look at how AI could fulfill our need for meaning and understanding.

4. The Matrix (1999)

BY TOM MEISFJORD https://www.looper.com/153177/the-entire-matrix-timeline-explained/

I still vividly remember seeing The Matrix for the first time in school days. This sci-fi classic stars Keanu Reeves as hacker Neo, who discovers that humanity’s perceived reality is actually a simulated virtual world created by AI. Its pioneering visual effects were groundbreaking at the time, but what really resonated with me was the mind-bending plot. The idea that our world could be an artificial construction tapped into my teenage anxieties about losing autonomy to technology. I loved how the Wachowskis merged philosophical questions about reality with eastern spirituality, cyberpunk action, and slick visuals. Over 20 years later, The Matrix continues to feel relevant, provoking thought about technology’s role in either controlling or empowering humanity through its adrenaline fueled storytelling.

5. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

By mubi https://mubi.com/en/in/films/2001-a-space-odyssey

It’s been a while but I still can’t forget the chill I felt watching the HAL 9000 scenes, as the crew slowly realizes the ship computer is malfunctioning...or is it? Those red, unblinking AI eyes genuinely creeped me out. And it was fascinating to see such an early film portrayal of advanced AI gone wrong. Kubrick was so prescient in imagining the possibility of lethal machine intelligence. Beyond the AI elements, the film’s pacing, cinematography, and practical effects make it an absolute sci-fi masterpiece.

6. WarGames (1983)

By Prime Video wallpaper

I decided to rewatch WarGames just last year, and was struck by how relevant it still feels. This fun techno thriller where a young hacker who accidentally accesses an AI military supercomputer programmed to predict nuclear war scenarios. I enjoyed its suspenseful dramatization of technology spiraling out of control, an idea that was novel and resonant in the early computing era. While the technology is dated, it still works as an entertaining cybersecurity morality tale. Watching it now, I’m reminded of how it marked the first time I considered as a youngster the frightening potential dangers of artificial intelligence if not properly controlled.

7. Transcendence (2014)

By Matt Conway https://www.screengeek.net/2020/03/27/transcendence-2014-making-a-case/

I’ll admit this film got mixed reviews, but I think it was an ambitious and thought-provoking AI story. It envisions a future where Johnny Depp’s character uploads his consciousness into a computer system that gradually takes over the world. While some of the plot strains believability, it raises many ethical dilemmas about the line between human and machine. I loved how it focused on the wife’s perspective, as she struggles to understand if her husband still exists in the AI form. It’s an imperfect film, but one that sparks lots of discussions about the implications of super intelligent AI.

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Long. Sweet. Valuable.

I'm a Data Scientist & Renewable Energy geek 🌱 Exploring Data📊, Green tech🌍, and Innovation💡 Hope to write on Data Science, Life, & Everything in between ;)