How focusing on user needs helped scale the biggest E-commerce store in the world

Uriel Bitton
Success With AWS
Published in
7 min readFeb 7, 2024


Photo by Bryan Angelo on Unsplash

If you follow my stories, you probably understand the importance of focusing on user needs and the value it brings when building an MVP or software.

What I reiterate often on is, understanding your client or end users’ business needs, will always yield a much more efficient development and infinitely increase your chances of producing a successful MVP which achieves its goals.

Most developers who build MVPs tend to not focus on user needs and instead chaotically or unsystematically rush into writing code out of a few rough ideas of what the MVP should do, create features around what is “thought” to be needed.

The inevitable reaction to this is an unsatisfied client who requests to start everything over and you then begin an endless cycle of adding features, changing them and refactoring upon feedback.

There’s a lot of negative impacts that we can discuss on this process, but instead let’s dive into the positive impacts which understanding user needs and focusing on them can have on your business.

This post will aim to serve as inspiration for building user-centric products and services.

The Story of



Uriel Bitton
Success With AWS

I write about AWS services, serverless technology, cloud computing, and cost-efficiency and help you learn how to easily build robust web apps.