Just Let it go

Don’t force something in your life

Love To Share
Long. Sweet. Valuable.
3 min readMay 12, 2024


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Photo by Gianandrea Villa on Unsplash

At times, relationships spill their beans on their own. Some people are always around come what may and others flee without a backward glance.

Stuff happens, with us just hopping along.

Those who treasure life always manage to get back into the lives of the people they value, even when there is time between. It’s like they never ended up giving or accepting anything they crave.

Life is ironic; it can be such that whatever we have is not who we are or at times, we end up getting things that we don’t necessarily deserve.

Photo by Ankush Minda on Unsplash

That’s just life, you get some of what you want, and you get other stuff which you should learn to deal with. Literally and figuratively, all that meet us have a reason for being in our lives.

Every such meeting provides us with the experience.

Feeling down? Probably it relates to you being too demanding to others or to the life itself. We are in a similar role just like watering a seed so that it blossoms for the rest of our lives and we are unable to control everything.

Everyone has been through the cycle of the ups and downs, it is not only you.

No matter how deep some love is, if it is not reciprocated, sooner or later, the relationship will finally come to an end. Getting rid of it is essential to our being ourselves and to let others be themselves too. Let them be what they should be.

And, yes, flowers bloom, trees grow, and people move on. Other times it is simpler to let go graciously.

The lesson is to appreciate what you have and live in the present moment. Don’t stress out!

In times when things are grim, hold on to this, there always is a hint of falling hope. Life is all about the journey with twists and turns where learning is the carry-over from every experience. That’s what provides life with its meaning.



Love To Share
Long. Sweet. Valuable.

Blog Writer /Storyteller/Write stories and short stories I draw on my own life experiences as well as the experiences of those around me.