Unjust Prose Collection


Go and kill them all, just for me

Leigh-Ann Steenkamp
Future Light


African male feet, a converse shoe and gumboots with soil in the background.
Author Photography: Poacher Footprint

The unfair, unbelievable, terrifying and most satisfying (9)

Count all the numbers of all the young of fighting age. Tell them to go and prepare, to slaughter strangers, to annihilate them from existence, and to feed the rivers with their blood, so the banks can overflow and rejuvenate the parched earth. Collect the virgins as trophies but torture the rest if they do not listen. Be as creative as you can and tell them that I sent you. Condemn them to the desert, to wander in circles every day, until they die of thirst and madness, until the third generation. Teach the young to listen and obey, not to question my word.

When they are compliant, I will gift them a new land, rich with milk and honey, many virgins, and some giants. You are free to rape and plunder and to take all you want, but first you must promise to kill them all, their prophets, and Gods too. I am jealous and a control-freak and will not tolerate any duplicity or fake idols. I am the only one. I am your saviour or vengeance, depending on how you make me feel.

This is my promise to you: Your children will be as many as the stars in the sky and many more. You are the chosen ones, the special race, and will outlast them all. You will always have a home here. The floods will never ever again flood the earth, stop building your boats. This is all yours, just as soon as you take a knee, bow down and proclaim that I am the true God.

I am delusional, egotistical, suicidal, dramatic, full of hatred and sexually repressed. I like to make promises that I can’t keep. I think in numbers and care not for your mortality or your souls. I care not if mothers must bury their sons or for their daughters. I am capable of nothing unless you all do it for me. Sacrifice all that you are, even what you think, before you think it. I claim even the breath in your throats before you breathe it. I am everythingalwaysallatonce and you are nothing to me.

I command you to perform rituals in my name, to bring me endless presents, to sacrifice the weak and to slaughter the sheep, to paint blood on the doors of my choosing, so we can kill the eldest of each household. Just because. I command you to obey my laws unless I tell you to do something else. There will be consequences for disobedience. I will turn you into a pillar of salt if you even think of a time before me. I will strike you with malaria to die a slow, cruel, and unusual death or with leprosy where your flesh will devour itself and shorten your limbs. You will keep on dying, one day at a time.

I will supply you with enough wine, so you will never thirst. Never, no more. So much wine, so you can forget, lest you remember who you truly are. It’s not the liquor that is sinful, but the drinker’s darkness. I command famine, plagues, and wars on the unjust and unholy, judged by me, because I know all. Let them all suffer, even the ones that obey me, it keeps them in line. Teach them a lesson, before they sin, so they will be forewarned.

I sent my son to atone for all you have done wrong, even though I explained nothing to you and told you to commit horrific, vile, and cruel acts in my name. I forgive myself.

You are not what I thought you would be. You question me, you bicker, and you talk back. I will make it so that you will damage your earth, scar it so much, that it will warm up and explode. There will be nothing left, the way it began. I will start over again, with a better version of you, in another time, of my choosing.

Maybe this time it will work.

Author Photography: Zebra Rotten Leg

Personal Note:

I don’t judge people based on their religious inclination or discriminate against opposing views. Each to his own. However, I draw the line at being forced what to choose to believe, especially as a young child. You don’t get to brainwash innocent minds and then feel all holy about it! Let’s all go to church on Sunday and wash our sins clean. We can beat our daughters and wives again the following Monday.

Quite a number of stories in the Bible is a whole lot less wholesome if you read them in their entirety. Preachers really do pick and choose. A lot of the stories are about torturing and killing innocent people, because they believed a little bit different than you. Nice.

Dumelang bohle!!! African Greetings!!! Please support me so I can continue to do what makes my spirit feel alive and feeds my soul; and that is to express myself through words and photos every day.



I do not currently qualify for the Medium Partner Program due to country location; South Africa.

A collage compiled to showcase the effects of illegal poaching activities
Collage Compiled By Author On Canva: Anti-Poaching



Leigh-Ann Steenkamp
Future Light

Author, Photographer. I specialize in Creative Writing and Storytelling with an emphasis on Mental Health, Philosophy, Trauma, Abuse, Psychology and Crime.