5 Lessons I Learned After Receiving A Scorching Rejection From A Publication

Consider this your writers wake up call

Rick Martinez
Long-Term Perspective


Photo by Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona via Unsplash

I’m a writer.

I’ve been writing at least two to three articles per week for several years. I have had my work published in several journals and magazines — some big ones. Notable ones.

Entrepreneur Magazine, Inc., The CrossFit Journal, and a few others.

But today, I woke up to two emails with rejections from publications that I really wanted to be featured in. Now, this is not the first time my articles have been rejected by publishers — in fact, it’s happened in the past and more often than I care to count.

Did I just admit that?

But today was different than other days when this has happened before. Today didn’t irk me as much as it used to. In fact, these rejections were actually teaching me something new about myself — about what kind of writer I am and want to be — and some of these lessons are pretty eye-opening and helpful.

So in case you’re a writer, perhaps a soon-to-be writer, or just want to read about some dude who was rejected twice in a day, here are the biggest lessons I learned from receiving rejections from publishers about the writing work I submitted.



Rick Martinez
Long-Term Perspective

* Professional ghostwriter and USA Today Bestselling author * My mission: revolutionize the world of non-fiction writing. * Helping folks write their book