Don’t Dig for Gold, Offer Shovels Instead: The Power of Providing Tools

Adnan Morbiwala
Long-Term Perspective
3 min readMay 29, 2023

A simple shift in thinking has molded my thought process and perhaps given me the first principle that guides me.

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In our fast-paced and ever-changing world, the pursuit of success, wealth, and personal growth has become a common aspiration for many.

We often hear phrases like “chase your dreams” or “go after the gold,” but what if there’s a different approach that can lead to both personal fulfillment and entrepreneurial success?

The idea of “offering shovels instead of digging for gold” challenges conventional thinking and emphasizes the importance of providing tools and resources to others.

Shifting the Focus

When we think about success, we often envision ourselves tirelessly digging and searching for that elusive gold or in today’s day and age aspire to be the mainstream game changers within the Internet of things.

Here is the thing though, everyone is aspiring to do that. When we shift focus and create the tools that the others who are aspirants can use, we enter a space where your tools are unique, you have less competition to grab the attention of a wider audience, and the ability to sit on the sidelines with your product advertising itself.

And of course there is the little thing of helping others achieve their dreams.

By providing tools, knowledge, and support to those around us, we empower them to embark on their own journeys of success.

Entrepreneurship and Collaboration

Entrepreneurship is often associated with competition, where individuals strive to outdo each other in the race for success.

Offering a shovel means to offer the tools they need to compete effectively.

When we provide resources and support to others who aspire, we put ourselves in the position that helps build a reputation of trust and it helps carve a niche within a certain industry.

I know of this company, that only makes apps for restaurants, and those app helps consumers bypass food aggregators and order directly at a 25% discount while offering free delivery.

The thing here is, that same UI/UX has been used for multiple restaurant chains where I am and it is still growing. Them not innovating enough is a subject for another time.

Building Trust and Relationships

Offering shovels is not just about providing tangible resources; it’s also about building trust and fostering meaningful relationships.

When we genuinely invest in others’ success, we create a sense of trust and goodwill. By positioning ourselves as valuable resources, we become indispensable to our communities and networks. Through acts of kindness, mentorship, and support, we establish lasting connections that can open doors to new opportunities and collaborations.

Empowering Others

The act of providing tools empowers others to take charge of their own journeys.

When we offer shovels, we equip individuals with the means to overcome obstacles, acquire new skills, and chart their own paths.

This empowerment fosters self-reliance, resilience, and a sense of agency. By encouraging others to develop their capabilities, we not only contribute to their growth but also create a positive ripple effect that extends far beyond our immediate reach.


If you are passionate about something, by all means follow that path and keep walking on it till you get where you need to go. At the same time, if you want to be an entrepreneur but do not know where to begin, here is an idea, build something that others need from a B2B perspective.

About the Author

Adnan is the founder at Ting Tong Marketing Services, which creates experiences and brand marketing IP’s for companies across different verticles in India.

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Adnan Morbiwala
Long-Term Perspective

The guy who talks about random stuff. I'm a passionate Marketer who is also the events guy.