Don’t Stop Learning

A phase comes in our lives where we all think that our education is now over.

Gaurav Lakhina
Long-Term Perspective
4 min readOct 18, 2022


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

But, education never gets over. You learn by your mistakes at work, mistakes in your relationships, and similar ways. Those learnings are the education for you from now on.

But still, formal education also should never stop.

Once you stop educating yourself, you become stagnant. And you know what grows in stagnant water? Weeds, mosquitoes, and other bad stuff. Once you stop educating, the bad things may attract you or start prospering in you.

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Education is the thing that empowers you to fight the world.

Remember the famous dialogue:-

Knowledge Is Power

And that’s pretty much true for everyone. A person who doesn’t know anything can’t do anything. Such a waste of life that will be.

In our country, most people stop studying after a certain age, i.e. after 25 or so, most stop learning.

But whatever field you go in, whatever business you start, you need to put in the work. You need to have knowledge of that field or be generous enough that you can hire highly-educated guys to work for you, who demand big sums.

Photo by Ismail Salad Osman Hajji dirt on Unsplash

Though, I have a certain issue with the education system we are in currently.

Whole school life we are taught something, and when we enter college, nothing like that is there. In my case, right from the beginning of my school, I was taught to be a good employee. Why are we always taught to be good employees, why can’t we become employers?

Secondly, the whole seriousness about my 10th class and 12th class went in vain when I got to know that the only thing that matters in a job is a skill.

A skilled person, whether from a tier-3 college or from a school that doesn’t have a good record in academics can still make it into a great company.

Photo by Anand Thakur on Unsplash

Then the question that arises in my mind is, if in the end, it didn’t matter, then why did we hustled so severely? Though that hustle made me a hardworking person. But despite just being a sheep in the flock, if I tried doing something out of the box, my life would have been altogether different.

Instead of getting grades, if I worked on getting skilled, then it would have been different.

I would have been an altogether different person. When I look at my past self, I wonder what would’ve happened if I went for coding classes, writing classes, or some other hobby instead of getting coached for IIT-JEE.

Photo by Kartik Saini on Unsplash

I worked my butt off to prepare for IIT, but in the end, I won’t blame anybody, but will just say that it was God’s plan.

Rather, I will say instead of competing with others, I would like to make my present version better than it was yesterday. If I am doing that, sooner or later I will be the winner. Rather than being in a rat race, I would like to see myself as the person who guides others to get out of the rat race.

If any kid or a college student is reading this blog, I would just suggest them one thing: Learn a skill.

Nothing else will make you rule this world and also, put in the amount of work required to monetize the skill or I would say, try to learn and then earn from it.

With this, I would like to bring an end to this article. And in the end, would just wanna say that never stop learning. This whole article can be summarized into 3 topics:-

  1. Never stop learning
  2. Escape the Rat Race
  3. Learn as many skills as possible

