Embracing the Chill: 15 Enchanting Reasons to Celebrate Winter

It’s probably hitting a lot of us.

Jordan Mendiola
Long-Term Perspective


Photo by Aaron Lee on Unsplash

The entire Midwest and beyond has seen a tough winter season already. You know the cold that smacks you in the face as you run from the car into Walmart?

  • Winter, the time when you need to pre-heat your car for at least fifteen minutes before departure.
  • Winter, the time when traffic drags longer and the mornings are dark.
  • Winter, the time when you spend more time inside and stay busy.

The last one wasn’t a complaint. It’s one positive side of winter.

I will do my best to persuade you to look at the finer things about winter.

1. Time indoors — productivity rises for creators

If you aren’t much of a homebody, you’ll learn how to be once winter hits. You need to find healthy ways to entertain yourself.

I end up editing more content during winter. The time I would have spent time getting distracted is substituted for 8 hours of head-down focus.

People who experience the four seasons are built differently. Once April approaches and the temperatures start to rise again, we can be grateful for the nice weather.



Jordan Mendiola
Long-Term Perspective

Helping develop a better mindset for a brighter future. Covers army, content creation, fitness, mindset tips, and more!