Freelancing For Folks Who Don’t Quite Know What Freelancing Is

No judgment from me, I used to not know either

Rick Martinez
Long-Term Perspective


Myra had been working at the same company for the past five years. She loved her job but was tired of dealing with a boss who is never satisfied and constantly nitpicking about everything. He would be so much easier to work for if he acted like a human being instead of an overbearing tyrant.

Know what I mean?

On top of that, there’s all this paperwork she’s got to fill out, which takes up hours and hours. The worst part? It’s just tedious as heck, and she knows it could be more straightforward.

She had daydreams about going solo…of freelancing.

“Nope, I’m not going to do it,” she thought.

The idea of starting a freelancing career seemed great in theory, but the reality was daunting. And scary as hell! She had no idea how to find clients, and what if they turned out to be terrible? Plus, she didn’t have a fantastic portfolio yet, so it looked like her dreams were crushed before they even started.

But she wasn’t ready to give up just yet…

This was a Zoom call I had last week. Another young gun who doesn’t necessarily hate life or the J-O-B but has this sense of FOMO. This nagging thought…



Rick Martinez
Long-Term Perspective

* Professional ghostwriter and USA Today Bestselling author * My mission: revolutionize the world of non-fiction writing. * Helping folks write their book