Google Sheets Will Help You Get Your Life Organized

Being a little studious and having a tracker will help you tremendously.

Jordan Mendiola
Long-Term Perspective


Photo by Rubaitul Azad on Unsplash

On March 9th 2006, Google Sheets launched on the platform and was open to the public. With the way the world operates in the cloud, this is a great application for those who like to start on the web and then tweak on their phones.

As someone who likes to stay structured and organized, I have been using Google Sheets for many years. It has helped me with apartment hunting, job hunting, prioritizing projects, and other miscellaneous tasks.

Here are some of my biggest takeaways from Google Sheets.

Use it for your own pleasure and peace of mind.

Life throws a lot of curveballs at us and we need to be prepared to plan and execute. Thanks to Google Sheets, you can import a lot of information in and organize it to your liking.

When I was apartment hunting, I used it to differentiate prices, locations, and utilities included, amenities, and appointments.

As a content creator, I plan weekly and highlight:

  • Green — project completed, ready for posting.
  • Yellow — In process, needs additional work, but underway.



Jordan Mendiola
Long-Term Perspective

Helping develop a better mindset for a brighter future. Covers army, content creation, fitness, mindset tips, and more!