How to Deal With Your Fear to Make Content

This story will help solve problems related to content creation

Wildan Faathira
Long-Term Perspective
6 min readSep 21, 2020


Photo by Kaitlyn Baker on Unsplash

This story is when I started building personal branding. The platform I choose is Instagram. I started building personal branding in November 2019. I am educating about self-development in general. Such as financial education, self-love, business tips, and others. I made the content according to the current trend. Trends are needed by potential new followers.

I went through many obstacles and challenges. I lost lots of friends when I started creating content. I lost quite a lot of followers too. I am shunned by the surrounding environment. The environment is the environment when I was in college. They get annoyed when I start creating content. But the strange thing is that the content I created is educational content.

Imagine it like this …

The content is an educational solution to the problem for my audience. They thought I was an aspiring celebrities. They also thought that I was not cut out for useful content. And they continue to be negative towards me. I’m confused about what they think.

I let the negative things go away. I focus on the positives only. I continue to create educational content. I choose to keep going and growing. I continue to process to get the expected results. I also focus on people who always support my content.

The longer I continue to create useful content, the less I hate me over time. I managed to get to where I got a lot of followers. And where I get the most of the audience I target. I reached 10 thousand followers in about 5 months.

There are many lessons I have taken in building personal branding. But I found a lot of problems with why people are afraid to start. I often find this problem.

They Are Afraid the Content Is Bad

When I first started creating content, I was desperate without learning anything. Learning how to create good and correct content. And also according to the rules on Instagram. For example, making the correct caption. Fill in the correct caption consisting of the headline until CTA (Call to Action). It’s like copywriting.

Another example is how we design content that is pleasing to the eye. How do we choose a writing color that matches the background? And how do we arrange the location of the writing that is neat? Also, the use of elements affects the content. As an illustration, an image that matches the content discussed.

From there it is the knowledge that we can apply to create content. But other content creators are like me before. Creating content without learning anything. But they didn’t start because they were afraid the content would be wrong. They think they have to be perfect to start something. Or in short, perfectionists in creating content.

Too many people spend too much time trying to perfect something before they do it. Instead of waiting for perfection, run with what you go, and fix it along the way … — Paul Arden

You don’t have to be a perfectionist. You can start creating content now. If there are mistakes, you need to learn from them. Then you contemplate and learn the mistakes. After that, you correct the mistake and start all over again.

Feeling Not an Expert

This is what I find most often. They are afraid to start because they are not experts. Think again …

Back when I started building personal branding, I wasn’t an expert. Expert in self-development niche. I started building personal branding without even studying. The content that I create is the result of research through Google. I searched for content ideas through Google and books on self-development. Then the content of the content is my life experience related to the idea of ​​the content.

For example, I found a content idea about tips for being productive through Google. Then I will present it according to my life experience. Experience how to be productive. You use the Pomodoro Technique and clean your desk. Another way is to avoid multitasking. Those are all tips that I share with my audience based on my experience of being a productive person.

You can learn from graphic design freelancers …

That skill can generate a pretty high income. You learn by doing. Case in point like this …

Graphic design skill requires a lot of inspiration and research. It took quite a long time to master it. Even if you are not an expert, you can earn while studying. You can find clients while studying. You can work with your clients. When a client asks for a design request that you think is rare in the market, you learn while working on the order.

Try to earn while studying. The longer you stick to this principle, the more income you will generate. Also, you will more be honed and you will be an expert.

So immediately create useful content even though you are not an expert. You can earn money while studying.

Afraid of Being Teased by Your Friends

When I started creating content, I did become the object of ridicule. They thought I wouldn’t be suitable for personal branding. This problem is related to the previous problem. And finally afraid to create content. Even though the content is educational.

I have a solution for you who are afraid of being ridiculed. Try to stick to the principles of Positive Mental Attitude. Positive Mental Attitude is a philosophy where you will always be optimistic about doing something. Optimism in this context is building personal branding. You must be optimized so that you get extraordinary positive results.

The meaning of Positive Mental Attitude comes from Napoleon Hill. There is an interesting quote from his book entitled Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude. Think about it quote this…

“Abraham Lincoln once said:” It has been my observation that people are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be. “ Will you make up your mind to be happy? If not, will you make up your mind not to be unhappy? 2. There is very little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative. 3. One of the surest ways to find happiness for yourself is to devote your energies toward making someone else happy. 4. If you search for happiness, you will find it elusive. But if you try to bring happiness to someone else, it will return to you many times over. 5. If you share happiness and all that is good and desirable, you will attract happiness, and the good and desirable. 6. If you share misery and unhappiness, you will attract misery and unhappiness to yourself. 7. Happiness begins at home. Members of your family are people. Motivate them to be happy just like a good salesman motivates his prospects to buy. 8. When two forceful personalities are opposed and they should live together in harmony, at least one must use the power of PMA. 9. Be sensitive to your reactions and the reactions of others. 10. Would you like to live contentedly in Happy Valley? To Be Happy Make Others Happy! “

Having the Positive Mental Attitude principle is mandatory for every Content Creator. When dealing with haters, you must remain calm. In the past, when I faced haters, don’t fight. Usually, they are joking. If you fight, then they may be happy that you are feeling pressured. So it’s better to keep calm.

Afraid That No One Will Interact With the Content

All educational content will be useful. Only one problem, which is that no one interacts with the content. It is a pity that educational content has no interaction.

This was a mistake when I started creating educational content. I use language for professors in my content. The point is a language that is difficult to understand. But actually, the content is aimed at young people. Young people aged 18–34 years. As a result, very few people interact with my content. Because some languages are difficult to understand for young people.

I can learn from those mistakes and change the language. Change the language into a language that is easy to understand. A language that won’t make anyone reading it long to think.

Apart from that, I also added emotional words. The language that I use is easy to understand. There are emotional words as a weapon for the content to be seen by more people. After that, the audience will interact more. Later they share the content with their relatives.

So this is an experience I can share with people who are afraid to start building personal branding. Especially creating educational content for a targeted audience. Are there other reasons why people are afraid to create content?



Wildan Faathira
Long-Term Perspective

I share about Self-Development and Personal Branding tips through my story and experience