How To Get Into A Writing State of Mind On Those Days Where You Don’t Want To

I paid over $3k to learn the second shortcut (you get it for free)

Rick Martinez
Long-Term Perspective


All I wanted to do was sleep in.

To be honest, it wasn’t a long day or a late night the previous one; it was simple laziness. Or unmotivatedness. Or I suppose it could have even been I don’t feel like doing shit today’itis.

Have you ever had those mornings where the snooze button is your best friend, and all that matters is “10 more minutes”?

Have you?

Ever had those days where you need to find your flow, but your flow doesn’t want to be found?

You know that feeling. That feeling where you can’t get your writing juices flowing, and everything feels like a chore? Writers have days like this too. But how do the most productive writers find their groove when it’s eluding them?

Of course, I realize that the word “productive” is a super relative term.

So for the sake of this little diddy you’re about to read, let’s just roll with freelance writers. The folks who perhaps make a little dough or enough cabbage to pay some bills with their wordsmithing. And if that’s not you (yet), then just know that this read will someday, maybe soon…



Rick Martinez
Long-Term Perspective

* Professional ghostwriter and USA Today Bestselling author * My mission: revolutionize the world of non-fiction writing. * Helping folks write their book