How to Stop Losing Your Airpods

Caring for a valuable investment for the long-term

Jordan Mendiola
Long-Term Perspective


Photo by Behar Zenuni on Unsplash

Has this ever happened to you? There are loud noises outside or your roommates are being really loud so you put your wireless pair of headphones in to sleep in peace. Ah, what a relief right? Wrong. You wake up the next morning with only one Airpod in your ear and the other one is nowhere to be found.

You rip your entire bed apart and look underneath, behind, and all around. You can’t find it. The anxiety runs through your body because they’re essential to you. You commute with these bad boys, exercise with them, and occasionally fall asleep with them in.

Luckily, you find the headphones and exhale with relief. Sound familiar?

Losing Headphones Became Routine

For the past three years I’ve committed to going wireless and using brands such as Bose, Beats, and Apple.

The longest I went without losing headphones was 4 months and that’s because I’m always on the go. For the active readers out there, I am going to tell you some tricks that will keep you from losing your precious babies.

Personally, headphones are an essential item for me. The moment I lose them and realize they are “gone gone”, I buy a new pair to replace them almost…



Jordan Mendiola
Long-Term Perspective

Helping develop a better mindset for a brighter future. Covers army, content creation, fitness, mindset tips, and more!