How to Command Attention with Your Words, Emotions, and Intellect

A Magnetic Experience of Transformation

Long-Term Perspective
5 min readNov 3, 2023


Ravi Pinisetti on Unsplash

Often, we take things in life for granted and suddenly open our minds to an entirely different world when we allow our awareness to rise to the surface.

Each and every one of us has our own set of values, which are cultivated through the seeds of our primary environment through stimuli and responses.

The three characters, or the “essential powers,” came to mind in the reflective diary I had this week.

Inspiration, as many writers know, can arrive in a completely random order: on the bus, in the shower, while running, or even while sipping coffee in your favorite bookshop.

The Communicator

“When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen.” — Ernest Hemingway, Nobel Prize-winning novelist

Less is more — when communicating a complex or large concept, there is a limitation to how long your audience will find it interesting.

Create a story — as we can all learn from TED Talk icons: an engaging, entertaining, and adventurous approach to informing your audience about an important topic will be the essence of a successful presentation.

It’s all about you, the audience, and your needs— the purpose of your stories or explanations should not be self-interest. The intention of imparting knowledge about a topic or experience should be approached purposefully, with the other individual in mind.

To hear is not to listen — we often hear what the other person is saying, but do we really listen to them?

  • Consider this the next time you have a conversation: are you truly listening, or are you simply rehearsing what you will answer when they have finished speaking?

“Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.” — Plato, philosopher

The Emotionally Driven Hero

Mark Daynes on Unsplash

An emotionally driven person is someone who genuinely appreciates and recognizes the valuable gifts held by others. This power can manifest through:

Expressing your appreciation

Imagine yourself sitting on a wooden chair outside a local coffee shop in Paris. The birds are chirping, the wind is gently blowing, carrying the leaves in harmony.

An old man walks by, devoid of any digital devices, and you observe the joy and gratitude reflected on his face. You think “Wow, there are still parts of our humanity that thrive and find happiness in the simplicity of nature.”

You walk slowly towards the man, sharing how amazing it is to witness someone’s appreciation of the natural surroundings.

The lovely man reciprocates your appreciation, and you notice how unusual it is for many of us to receive such appreciative responses to our actions.

Express specific details or examples

If I asked you what you appreciate about each person closest to you, could you give a unique and specific answer?

Kind, joyful, energetic, understanding, and supportive are generalized answers we often use, but how beautiful is it when someone tells you:

“I appreciate your courage in going up on stage, even when you are anxious and nervous due to your fear of public speaking, and doing it anyway.

It inspired me to engage more in my classes to overcome my fear of presentation anxiety.”

Or, “I appreciate that you set an example of how important it is to prioritize yourself and do the things you love without allowing others to interfere.”

It’s truly a profound gift, cherished deeply by those who rarely encounter or experience such personal and specific acts of appreciation in today’s interactions.

“Everyone wants to be appreciated, so if you appreciate someone, don’t keep it a secret.” — Mary Kay Ash

The Enriching mind

Valentina Yoga on Unsplash

Learning is an essential factor in strengthening your mind and building a healthy and powerful foundation for your future.

Become a student of life

Learning and gaining knowledge are often associated with books and school.

To be a student of life, you must seek every opportunity to learn — from a stranger on the street, the staff in your local supermarket, to an article you read online.

Detach your mind from the myth of “being a nerd.”

Reading books, studying people’s behaviors in your surroundings, reading articles, gaining the skills of self-reflection, or learning through actionable approaches are all about enriching your mind.

Knowledge is a superpower once put into practice.

Knowledge is not a superpower unless it is put into action

Superman, Wonder Woman, Spiderman. Superheroes will never be heroes unless they use their powers for the greater good.

Knowledge follows the same pattern — to give it value, you must make an impact by creating something in the outside world.

If someone is struggling with their mental health, similar to what you’ve experienced, share some tools or techniques that might help when their anxiety appears. Make yourself useful in others' paths of hardship.

What you put into your body is what you put into your mind

What you eat is what you are.

Experiment with how cutting out sugar will affect you in the long term, reduce your meat intake if you are a heavy meat eater, or shift your diet from fast food dishes to clean juices and salads.

This is a challenging endeavor, as we often revert to unhealthy habits time and time again. Often, the most obvious things are the ones that blindside us. For example, a weakness I possess is being a poor explainer.

You improve by catching yourself and raising self-awareness towards your weaknesses.

You improve by seeking knowledge of tools and techniques you can use to change.

The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes — Sherlock Holmes

Watch Yourself, Evaluate, and Execute

A life gains enrichment through a growth mindset, awareness, and a healthy approach to experiencing challenges and difficult times.

What action-oriented approach would you take to improve your powers of communication, your emotional processes, or the remarkable abilities of your enriching and treasured mind?

Your insights and personal anecdotes can enrich our understanding and create a vibrant community of shared learning.

