Navigating the Quarter-Life Crisis: Proven Tips and Strategies for a Fulfilling Transition

An article for all 20-somethings.

Jordan Mendiola
Long-Term Perspective


Photo Taken By Author — Airbnb Trip to Michigan on New Year’s Eve

Grown-ups say that the twenties are going to be the best years of your life. Being halfway through my twenties, it’s got its highs and lows.

The highs are having fun with people around my age who haven’t quite had kids yet.

My old misconception about the twenties

From 20–25, you can experiment with new things and it’s okay to fail.

From 26–30, you should more be more keen on the path we’re travelling.

From 30 and beyond, you should be building the foundation for your future.

That is how I imagined everyone’s life goes. But that simply is not the case.

Out of high school, everyone goes different routes.

Many attend university, some join the service, a few take a gap year, move out of the country, and the list goes on.

I have succeeded, crashed, burned, built myself back up again, and repeated the process over.

Can failing to find your path be exhausting? Sure.



Jordan Mendiola
Long-Term Perspective

Helping develop a better mindset for a brighter future. Covers army, content creation, fitness, mindset tips, and more!