One Story a Day Is My Future Now

This should be fun… (end my misery now please!)

Isaiah McCall
Long-Term Perspective
2 min readNov 22, 2020


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Some of my favorite writers are committed to writing one story a day. Tim Denning and Jordan Mendiola both come to mind. Now, this seems easy on paper, but if you ask any writer, it’s as tough as old boots (excuse the metaphor, it’s late and that’s the best I got).

I’ve given one story a day a try in the past, but like someone committing to a diet or going to the gym for the first time in years, I didn’t tell anyone so I could fail quietly.

See, when you have those days when you’re too tired or you’d much rather go out with your friends, you put off your most fragile commitments.

“Eh, I’ll just write 2 articles tomorrow,” I used to tell myself.

It sounds fine and dandy at first. But by the end of the week, I usually owe 5 more articles than I should.

I recently read this book called “The War of Art” by Steven Pressfield. It talks about facing resistance as artists and writers.

Every artist faces resistance.

It never goes away.

We must show up every day, make our sacrifices at the altar (i.e. write our asses off) and then show up to do it again tomorrow.

