Software Engineering Is NOT Heaven

Uncovering Myths and Realities of Software Engineering Day-to-Day Without Sugarcoating

Adrian Nenu 😺
Long-Term Perspective


Software Engineer contemplating their life — Generated by Midjourney

Software engineering is akin to modern alchemy where engineering minds forge miraculous solutions from ones and zeros. It’s seen as a field where innovation is constant, job opportunities are endless, and the work environment is nothing short of idyllic. There are a couple of problems with this romanticized understanding as it omits the challenging realities of the day-to-day.

In this article, I’m going to try addressing what I think are some of the myths about software engineering as an easy-going utopia, free from the problems plaguing other professions, that anyone can get into and succeed:

  1. Myth of Endless Innovation Without Obstacles
  2. Myth of Guaranteed Satisfaction and Security
  3. Myth of Best Practices and Methodologies
  4. Myth of Software Engineering as a Solitary Endeavor

You might also enjoy my article How To Not Be a Run-of-the-Mill Software Engineer as a follow-up!

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Adrian Nenu 😺
Long-Term Perspective

Software Engineer @ Google. Photographer and writer on engineering, personal reflection, and creativity -