Success: How To Handle It with Humility and Generosity

It is within our power of being victorious.

Aeril Trinidad
Long-Term Perspective
7 min readSep 9, 2020


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Success is an overwhelming word. It is perhaps the sensational craved feeling that the world at large desires to venture into the chase after our aspiration. Yet, we’re always bothered about the outcome. Many of us chose to wave the white flag, even though we’re miles away in the heart of our goals.

Failures as a Stepping Stone

Do you ever get that feeling like you’re in the wrong frame of mind?

Plus, you are seeing no light at the end of the tunnel and makes you abandon all the things you worked hard for because you caught sight of a hole, contemplate that hole as a lapse, that represents as a prison or hollow place because you’re stuck in an awkward situation where you stick to becoming despondent frequently.

Yes, I’ve always been there at that moment. A tiny bit of error defined a part of me that makes me raised the white flag. Then, it leads me to disappointment and breakdown because I’m too reluctant to fail from my hardships. Despite all the failures, I somehow caught myself heeding a light — so should you — that will conquer every bit of our collapses or false steps.

“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” — Robert F. Kennedy

I sorted out that failure is a foundation throughout everything, and there will turn out to be a certain path that culminates in success. Admitting defeat is the roughest patch of our lives — it’s a fact. It’s a bait that will plausibly swallow us if we continue to string along with it.

Thus, put the kibosh on this form of delusions; otherwise, it will deplete you. We can’t deny the fact that we can’t fail. Sometimes we have to embrace failures to taste success. But if your mindset is awash with negativity, dead sure you’ll be empty-handed.

Having faith in yourself — is a must. Because if you don’t, you’ll never take possession of successes. You’re the sole human who can guide yourself through that process. Eventually, you’ll find yourself beyond what were you imagine. On that track, a part of that occupies a vision, and you have all the aptitude to get the job done.

Besides, dreaming about in pursuit of our goals fits with the fact that you have a purpose of living. Hence, completing tasks while daydreaming, day after day is beyond just a fantasy. You have to bring it to fruition. MAKE IT HAPPEN!

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Hard Work through Successes

The opening wedge to land in success is to establish a goal. Regardless of whether it’s an immediate goal or a long-term goal, it both portrays a vital piece on your venture to success.

When the objective is inaugurated, you have to create a vision, a blueprint that pictures a master plan to sanction you on appraising yourself, rhythmically.

It is necessary to place a timetable to whip the evil spirit of procrastination. To ensure you’re in good shape and suitable for being occupied. The most important facts that are indispensable in reaching success is hard work.

The virtuous mentality is of utmost importance to penetrate countless efforts and perseverance. If we play a waiting game and determination of doing more, you will be edged in a footing you never imagine while seeing the seeds thick with your endeavor.

Along with staying positive culminates in pleasant endorphins in your body and it will undoubtedly, affect your performance more prominent. It is copacetic to be tired, but the logical basis of hard work should not throttle you. Because if you love what you’re doing, there’s no reason for you not to put effort into something.

Photo by Kristopher Roller on Unsplash

Success in Life

Life is a series of journeys, like a rollercoaster ride. It is full of peaks and valleys. But beyond everything, is you enjoy that ride. Plus, you have to grasp every vulnerable spot and fragility because it has glory in its own volition.

There are a plethora of domains to success. We are just excessively blind to see them. But it revolves around people, how they tackle to perceive it through.

Ask yourself about every bit of your track record (even the simple pleasures included) such as a passionate person who truly believes having a family or the right people to stick around and minding out for them can be contemplated as a real success.

All that rudimental moments we accomplished are soothing for us. And it cultivates us to do better and crop up again in the spotlight.

Thus, freeing yourself from toxic relationships, immoral habits and having no regrets concerning anything leads you to a meaningful and successful life.

An authentic success ought not to emplace into solitary domains. And juxtaposing your goals with other people will bring you nothing. Each person has unique behavior, has their approach to forge a path and lurk behind to their aspiration.

Photo by Elaine Casap on Unsplash

Success is Contagious

Yes, Success is hypothetically contagious. Yet, it clocks in with hard work and dedication to stringent criteria. There is nothing further electrifying as opposed to being with business-minded people who truly works hard and sharp-witted.

By coalescing yourself with devout, highly motivated and eminent people, it will turn to be, landing yourself with cogitating on those strands of buoyancy.

Nonetheless, Success can be transmissive once a victorious person gives a hand to you to metamorphose into higher-caliber. But, it doesn’t neglect the fact that you are the sole one who will climb the ladder. It is just granting you some tidings to recognize and wear it as a utility with the aim of fulfillment.

When push comes to shove, and you found yourself at the top of the tree, keep pushing. You shall not sleep on your blue ribbon. Success is a non-stop journey, not a landing place. The front page of being a successful person is to keep your nose in the grindstone and entrust the throne of success in others.

Photo by Fa Barboza on Unsplash

Stay Modest and Upfront at all times

The naked truth throughout success — not everyone is handling it the same — as per two peas in a pod.

Some living souls who procure success carry on being modest, not by any means of disregarding who they are and where they came from. And other human beings are on the high horse, people who are assaulting and belittling others without dignity and courtesy.

I believe that showing off will bring you nothing and being humble, winds up the process you were upheaved. The process you were raised by your parents habitually modifies your actions to life and other people.

Sometimes you have to ascertain what people have to propose and cast about their ideas till spilling your guts. It plays an important role. Because pricking up your ears to others can lead to myriads of apertures.

In the Author’s Outlook

I acknowledge that failure is the rock bottom of success. However, don’t let it eats your heart out with all the negative thoughts. As you go through that mechanism, you’ll find light as vivid as the daylight that will undoubtedly culminate in success.

Afterward, you’ll be facing off against yourself. It will emphasize how passionate and determined you are on what you’re doing. Under those circumstances, you’ll find yourself beyond what you’re expecting.

“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” — Albert Einstein

Every person has a distinct path, but throughout that journey, you’ll recognize the value in yourself. A moral principle that embodies what truly matters in your life.

Regardless of how arduous appears to be the goal, never capitulate. Settle down and get your minds going. There’s a value on your inner self. And the voices your bearing in mind will be your guidebook on your dreams to success.

Reaching the top of the peak has never been easier for me. Yet, I speculate that success is not on the topic of money or fame. It doesn’t even make you a better person.

Factual prosperity is acquired by cherishing what you already have in life such as your loved ones, close friends, peace of mind and plenty of things, we never imagine. As well as embracing that sensational feeling of fulfillment when you know you’re worthy of completing aspirations. I’ve always dreamed enormous and then making it happen — so should you.



Aeril Trinidad
Long-Term Perspective

Inspiring people is my top priority | Student and Writer | Passionate about writing poetry, life-lessons and personal growth | Email: