The Fear of Not Ever Being Enough Needs to End

We need to instead focus on our positive strengths and run with them.

Jordan Mendiola
Long-Term Perspective


Photo by David Billings on Unsplash

Too many people are hard on themselves. While others may look up to you on the surface, deep down, there’s this feeling that you aren’t enough.


That’s because you’re your own biggest critic and you can’t give yourself enough credit for doing the things you’re doing.

People think they need to make a lot of money, be happily married, and live comfortably, but it’s not reality.

Not everyone has extra money to buy a Tesla. Not everyone meets the love of their life before thirty. Not everyone is in a great financial situation where they can pursue their passions.

I’m not painting a fairytale picture, but I am recognizing some high expectations that people unnecessarily place on themselves.

3 reasons you are enough:

  • You are curious about the world and explore something new every day.
  • You have friends and family that love and care about you.
  • You are a living human being with a chance at life.

Everyone has their own strengths. We just need to discover them and embrace them.



Jordan Mendiola
Long-Term Perspective

I started writing during the pandemic, took a short break. But have returned for more. Quality over quantity this second time around. Thanks for being here!