This Very Effective Yet Often Ignored Sales Hack Can Save Save Millions For Your Business

We did the math on how much a bad customer retention strategy can cost a business, and the amount is huge!

Adnan Morbiwala
Long-Term Perspective
5 min readJan 11, 2021


Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

For every business, sales are what ultimately drive it. That is really the point of existing.

The general thought process usually is in the numbers. The more clients we acquire, the faster we grow.

Here is where it gets tricky, especially for new businesses, because in trying to acquire that many clients, they oftentimes fail to offer the service a customer expects when they buy from you.

A shocking statistic has emerged from some studies conducted over the years, revealing something crazy.

If we go way back to 1997, there was a report by the American Society for Quality Control, which found the following:

The customer was turned away by the indifferent attitude of company employees (68 percent)

The customer was dissatisfied with the product (14 percent)

The customer was lured away by competition (9 percent)

The customer was influenced by a friend to go elsewhere (5 percent)

This was a time where the internet was almost non-existent.

The amount of competition was way lesser.

Google and Amazon were yet to be born.

One customer hardly interacted with another unless they knew them.

Yet you can note how 5% of the customers were still influenced by friends to go elsewhere.

Now let’s look at a more recent survey about why new businesses lose customers.

A 2018 survey by McKinsey and Company revealed:

Only 13% of customers from a demographic were loyal to one particular brand.

87% of customers shopped around.

58% switched brands because they were lured away.

So, we at Ting Tong dug a bit deeper into this report and found the #1 reason why the above report carries those numbers.

You guessed it, Poor Customer Experience.

If you compare 1997 to 2018, we live in an age where the number of people using cellphones to access the internet is only growing.

All businesses are fighting for attention.

The conversation is no longer B2B or B2C. It is now C2C (Customer to Customer)

The customer is King. The internet has exploded the Marketplace, and the customer has options even with the most complex buying decisions.

The idea is that if you go big and get noticed on social media, people will buy from you. The only problem is everyone is trying to go big on Social Media.

That is why one of the holy grails of growing your business today and, unfortunately, still one of the most ignored is Customer Retention.

It has become critical that when you do manage to get the customers’ attention, you make their experience the most unbelievable ever, not only because you are scared to lose them, but, each of these customers is also equipped to send another 100 customers your way or turn 100 customers away. It is up to you which one of these happens for your business.

Businesses over the years have exploded on to the scene with a notable focus on customer retention only.

Here are some examples of policies and quotes they follow they follow

“Historically, our number-one growth driver has been from repeat customers and word of mouth.” — Unknown.

“Value-added promotes customer retention (they come back) but value-unique nurtures customer advocacy (they bring their friends).” –

Chip Bell, Keynote Speaker & Author, The Chip Bell Group

“Rule 1: The customer is always right. Rule 2: If the customer is ever wrong, read Rule 1.” –

Stew Leonard’s Grocery Store Customer Policy

Source: Google

Here is why retaining one customer is important and how you stand to lose even when one customer leaves your business for a reason you can control.

Assume the following

( In Rupees, if it is another currency, the dollars would come to 50$)

Average spend per customer per month in your business = 3000

Amount of times a customer buys from you in a year = 10

The average revenue per customer per year = 30,000

Average customer life span buying from you = 10 years

Average revenue per customer per 10 years = 3,00,000

Now let’s take it one step further,

Assume the following

Number of customers for your business

Each month = 50 pax

Each Year = 600

For 10 years = 6000

Average revenue earned over 10 years = 18,00,00,000

If we were to go by the McKinsey Report,

If 58% of these customers leave you after the first purchase, you incur a Loss of 10,44,00,000 over 10 years.

Not to forget, each of these customers is equipped to give you many more referrals where they send their friends to buy from you and leave product reviews on social media.

If they send 2 referrals to you each month and you convert even 1 of them, the potential revenue earned is 36,00,00,000

Hence, your potential revenue lost if 58% of customers leave stands at 20,88,00,000.

Given above is an example of what is possible if you have a good customer retention policy and what is happening while you are going after only looking for new customers while not focusing on customer satisfaction and retention.

There isn’t even much you need to do, really.

These 5 customer retention techniques will help you go that extra mile with your customers, whatever business you are in.

A phenomenal product that adds value (DUH)

Appreciation Emails

Prompt Customer Support

Birthday and Festive Greetings

Warm and respectful service

Given above are just the tip of the iceberg, companies are investing millions in their customer retention strategies because that is where 80% of your business comes from.

This is not to advocate that you do not need to acquire more customers and more numbers. You absolutely have to go all out with content marketing and other marketing. More often than not, this tends to get ignored, which is why businesses lose an insane amount of money.

It doesn’t matter if you are a grocer or have an App or offer a service. Locking in revenues for the year comes from customers being satisfied and having a reason to return.

Don’t chase after what you want, and in the bargain, ignore what you have.

It always comes full circle. Customer retention is a type of marketing in itself, where the customers themselves become ambassadors for your brand.

At Ting Tong, we manage clients whose only goal is to acquire new customers aggressively, and we get mandated to come up with ways that help them do that, and we could probably be considered the ones who are slightly in their face to tell them what about after we acquire them? We give them the answer, and their joy shines through when they keep extending their retainers after each quarter.

Think about it. It will make you a millionaire.



Adnan Morbiwala
Long-Term Perspective

The guy who talks about random stuff. I'm a passionate Marketer who is also the events guy.