When You Catch Two People in The Act

Or is it just circumstantial evidence?

Steve Klubertanz
Long-Term Perspective


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

A few years ago, I took a mid-workday run outside our office building. It was still late morning, so the nearby trails were mostly empty.

Jogging along a path in the back of a parking ramp, I approached a grove of bushes. Behind one of the bushes, I noticed two pairs of feet facing each other standing very close together. My gut told me I was about to interrupt a romantic encounter.

The two individuals attached to those legs must have heard my footsteps because the four feet quickly separated and jumped back on the trail headed toward me.

As I rounded the bushes, the two came into full view. They were Rick and Gina (not their real names), co-workers in my department.

They were married — but not to each other — and both had young children.

They looked somewhat sheepish as I passed by them. I nonchalantly said hello and continued my run. But my mind was racing much more than my feet.

Did I really see what I think I saw? Were Gina and Rick doing what I think they were doing? They were great employees. I was friendly with both of them, but our interactions did not extend beyond normal office functions.



Steve Klubertanz
Long-Term Perspective

Casual observations of the world around me. Trying to make my mark in the world, bit by bit.