Why Freelancing is The Double-Edged Sword so Many Obsess Over

And how it leaves us stuck in the middle and unsure what action we should take

Jordan Mendiola
Long-Term Perspective


Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash

An income that’s uncertain and always shifting around can be an enormous stressor in life.

Freelancing is very similar to running your own business because the line of work is never guaranteed and it requires a lot of hard work to be put in.

I’ve been in the freelancing field of work for a few years now and it’s been a ton of fun, but it comes at a cost. The cost is stressing out and making sure that money will be coming in.

The beauty of freelancing is being able to set your own schedule and control how much income you’re able to make based on how much work you put in.

Working harder doesn’t always equate to earning more dollar bills though, and I’ll get more into that.

The Cons of Freelancing That Pushes Away Many

Freelancing isn’t something that everyone is open to.

Here are some of the biggest cons I see with freelancing:

  • Unstable income makes paying the bills and budgeting harder
  • Work isn’t always available and business can take big dips.



Jordan Mendiola
Long-Term Perspective

I started writing during the pandemic, took a short break. But have returned for more. Quality over quantity this second time around. Thanks for being here!