SenoClock Gold: What’s New?

Fedor Galkin
Longevity Algos
Published in
4 min readSep 27, 2023

Deep Longevity launched SenoClock roughly one year ago and is about to release the greatest update to the platform to date.

SenoClock is a first-of-its-kind web platform offering enterprises worldwide easy access to a variety of aging clocks:

  • BloodAge — a digital model of aging that allows doctors to analyze the pace of aging in their patients using data that is easy to obtain in a clinical setting, clinical blood tests.
  • MindAge — a model of human psychological well-being and mental age that can be used to ensure that you are in the longevity-focused state of mind.
SenoClock users now can view all their aging clock results in one place and inspect a multitude of health scores

The upcoming Gold release will bring a number of updates to the core functionality of SenoClock. First of all, we are bringing a new aging clock to the public that we originally announced as a research model in a 2020 publication:

  • DeepMAge — an epigenetic aging clock, the most accurate one in our arsenal that interprets the DNAm marks on the human genome left as the aging footprints.

Our most popular aging clock, BloodAge, has also received a number of major updates. Most significantly, its recommendation engine will now feature tips created by a LLM based on seeds provided by professional physicians. Based on the feedback from our customers, we have implemented new algorithms to make recommendations more centered on the health systems (e.g. cardiovascular, neurological, etc) rather than individual biomarkers. Moreover, the recommendations are now more relevant than ever with context-specific filters that adjust the aging report content based on a patient’s medical history.

But most importantly, SenoClock Gold features a totally new interface that makes integrating aging clocks in clinics and other organizations as easy as ever:

  • Admin accounts: Admins can invite new people to operate aging clocks on their behalf. Admins can generate usage reports and track the benefits delivered to the end users;
The new admin panel allows you to oversee and manage the usage of SenoClock across different divisions or subsidiaries of your company.
  • User accounts: Admins and doctors can now create accounts for their patients to interact with their aging reports whenever they wish. You can share blood test results and notify them by email on how much they have rejuvenated since their last assessment;
Employers and doctors can now invite new users to SenoClock to share clinical tests and aging clock reports. Invited users may also be granted permission to upload and process their own data using Deep Longevity’s aging clocks.
  • Historical view: All SenoClock users can now see how their pace of aging progressed with time and across different biodata dimensions. All aging reports can now be compared in pairs and accessed at any time. And if you are a SenoClock operator, you can even compare the reports across a group of end users to identify the overperformers or patients in need of extra attention;
New screens on SenoClock Gold allow users to compare historical records and review their progress. SenoClock moderators can compare the records of multiple users assigned to them in a similar fashion.
  • Activity dashboard: SenoClock admins now have access to a dashboard which offers a comprehensive overview of how their organization is utilizing aging clocks.
Admin accounts can now review the aging rate of all the users invited on their behalf in aggregate. In corporate settings, SenoClock enables an employer to keep track of their workforce healthiness and well-being

All this features will benefit the traditional user base of SenoClock, such as clinics and hospitals, but also open new opportunities for non-healthcare organizations willing to add extra value to their clients or employees. SenoClock Gold can improve the productivity of the workforce in a large corporation or highlight the overlooked aspects of personal health for the consumers of your branded supplements.

Here’s what the CEO of Deep Longevity, Deepankar Nayak, has to say about SenoClock Gold’s release:

The CEO of Deep Longevity explains how SenoClock Gold can help

If you wish to learn more about SenoClock Gold and how your organization can benefit from the integration of aging clocks, feel free to schedule an online meeting with Deepankar by following this link.

SenoClock Gold Launch Webinar

Attend our Zoom event (11AM ET, 4PM GMT+1)for a live demo of all the new features and talk to the team building SenoClock. Learn more about SenoClock Gold on our website. The VOD of the event will be uploaded to our YouTube channel.

