Creating People-first Content With AI

LongShot AI
Published in
6 min readAug 28, 2022
Creating People-first Content With AI

Google has unveiled a new major search ranking algorithm update. It is called the ‘helpful content update.’ This update will begin this week and will target content that is not helpful to readers.

The helpful content update seeks to eliminate content generated only for the goal of ranking in search engines that do not help or educate readers. According to Google, this update will “tackle content that seems to have been written mainly for ranking high in search engines.”

Google said that the update will “help ensure that unoriginal, low-quality content does not rank highly in Search.” If you are creating content to increase search engine exposure and traffic, you may be affected by this.

Therefore, it is clear that Google will prioritize the content that gives value to the readers. This type of content is commonly known as “People-first content.”

While future writers are unlikely to be robots, AI has enabled robot-human hybrid systems to generate and edit content.

However, you should not be concerned about your career as a blogger or writer. Artificial intelligence-generated content still lacks a human touch.

We’ll still need writers and marketers to edit and update content to match our intended context and avoid digital blunders. Instead, leveraging AI to accelerate the writing process allows content creators to produce more content for their websites.

But how can you create people-first content?

Here’s all you need to know!

What Is AI-generated Content?

What Is AI-generated Content?

AI-generated content, as the name implies, is simply content generated by AI.

Most AI technologies are capable of doing tasks that would typically involve human reasoning, intellect, learning, or decision-making.

In terms of the content marketing process, AI can generate a written narrative using a technique known as ‘natural language generation (NLG).’ This capability allows it to create business reports, forecast customer behavior, schedule content, and provide targeted product recommendations.

We’re confident you’ve been utilizing artificial intelligence-powered marketing tools without realizing it.

Not only that, but you’ve probably read articles produced with the assistance of AI.

The UK Press Association uses AI to produce over 30,000 local news pieces every month. OpenAI (co-founded by Elon Musk) has released the AI tool ‘GPT-3,’ which can write like a human. According to reports, researchers have used it to write stories, impart philosophical ideas, and respond to medical questions.

According to Econsultancy, 18% of North American marketers employ AI for content creation. In the meanwhile, 23% utilize it for creative and design work.

These figures demonstrate that AI-generated content has a role in the writing and marketing space.

5 Tips to Generate People-first Content With AI

AI can provide several advantages to your content marketing funnel. How can you now personalize the output to generate successful content? Here’s how it should be done.

1. Humanize Your Content Strategy

Humanize Your Content Strategy

Based on your competitor’s top-performing content, AI tools can conduct keyword research, recommend on-trend topics, and suggest blog post ideas.

Regardless of how many article ideas you have, you must humanize your content strategy.

Assume you want to assign a post on ‘X Successful Tips for YouTube Marketing’ based on your AI’s recommendation.

Discuss with your team to identify little-known advanced strategies for the most remarkable results. After all, your AI tool may propose a generic approach that everyone is familiar with.

Some articles may deal with sensitive subjects, necessitating careful framing and preliminary discussion. In other circumstances, you may require the assistance of client-facing staff (such as salespeople) to personalize the output to feel relatable to your target audience.

2. AI-Generated Content Is the First Draft, not Final

Starting from scratch is a significant hurdle for many writers.

When you’re starting from scratch, it might be challenging to find the motivation to write a 1000-word blog might be challenging.

The good news is that artificial intelligence-generated content can help you overcome writer’s block by serving as a ‘mediocre first draft.’

The Washington Post has written 850 articles with the assistance of Heliograf, a homegrown AI robot that can write brief reports and blogs. The first draft helps authors overcome their rut and get back into the flow by simply editing AI-generated content.

AI writers like LongShot AI can also generate a great first draft for your content to give an actionable starting point. Writers only need to input the topic and select their preferred option.

3. Stick to Your Brand’s Voice

Stick to Your Brand’s Voice

The sentiments and personality your brand wants to evoke in your audience are called a brand voice.

Are you intended to be funny or approachable? Consider utilizing a casual tone or slang to appear more approachable and relatable. Similarly, choose a formal tone if you want to project a luxurious aura.

What role does a brand’s voice play in AI-generated content? Although AI-generated content is grammatically correct, it appears robotic.

You can make AI output appear more personalized and natural by keeping your brand voice in mind while editing.

4. Consider Context

Consider Context

One of AI’s current limitations is that it cannot consider the context.

It can produce generic content for a broad audience but not for a specific target audience.

This is why it is critical to remember buyer personas. Answer the following questions before writing or editing AI-generated content:

Who are my target readers?

Why is my content interesting to them?

How do I want to interact with them?

You may wish to create article outlines if you work with a range of writers or editors. This should ideally include notes for each portion of the content and information about your target audience.

When an editor revises the AI-generated content, they will check that it is coherent with the intended context.

5. Make it Concise

AI-generated content might look like a long paragraph containing hundreds of words. Of course, readers don’t want to read long lines of text.

Consider splitting a paragraph into two to three lines of text to personalize your content (60 to 90 characters). To replicate human conversation, make it interactive by asking questions now and then. To emphasize a point, keep sentences brief or in a single line on occasion.

Wrapping it up

While AI can enhance your content creation process, it still requires human intervention.

Evaluate AI-generated content with a writer or editor to verify it is correct and accurate. Make it brief and relevant to the intended context.

Keep your brand voice in mind while creating content to personalize it and add personality.

There are several AI digital assistants that can optimize content for SEO, generate a draft, or edit content. You can speed up and automate the writing process after familiarizing yourself with these next-generation content creation tools.



LongShot AI

Himani is a content writer at LongShot AI. She loves to explore the content marketing and SEO domain.