Brands, you’re so boring.

89% of businesses create content for social media. So what?

Vanessa Botega
look behind


Why are brands on social media today? To talk to their followers, people would say. I had a boss who used to point out: “So they know our company is real, it’s like turns brand into a human being”. He was not wrong at all — having an account on Facebook is important to communicate with its followers. About 89% of companies create content for social media platforms, regarding Axonn’s Beyond cat videos: social media for business research.

What puzzles us is what’s on the other side. If these brands are on Facebook to talk to their customers, why we get worried about this fact: 56% of people have unfollowed a brand on social media. Where is the “brand becomes a human being” story?

People unfollowed brands because they don’t need them anymore; therefore this is a dangerous trouble. We know brands are important on social media; about 77% of research’s interviewed people follow at least one brand. Through their contact with costumers, they influence their buying decisions. The point is: how can we fix it? Attention, please, you’re already reading the answer: content.

Content IS important, to be on social media is not enough. Keep these numbers safe: if 80% of your content is useful, 20% can be sales-related. Online content influences 3 in 4 buying decisions. Interesting content is one of the three reasons people follow brands. About 65% use the internet as their main source of buying advice.

When content is not interesting, it’s simply boring. And it’s too easy for a brand to get lost itself into the big and blue ocean that Facebook is — or any social media.

Content must touch its consumer with attention. If someone is following a brand, is because it wants to know how this brand thinks and what it wants to share with the world. That is why brands must share other people’s COOL content with no fear or shame.

And get engaged. That is the time to show the best of the brand’s personality, people need to be involved and close to brands. And please, personality is not a wild way of life — it’s important to check each and every information and written word. 48% of people think grammar is important, so it will be amazing to take a note of thiz (lol catch you!).

And interact. My boss was right, we’re all human beings. 99% of people hope and wait some brand’s answer. How should it be this remembering feeling? I bet you it could be one of the best surprises in a customer’s day.

So, self-reminder:

1 — Content that is not interesting is boring. The end. And boring are our bills and that’s enough.

2 — Who follows the brand wants to know how this brand thinks and what’s so important to it. Post interesting stuff, share other’s people content (it’s not a crime when you do it right).

3 — Get involved and close to people, come up with a bubbly personality. And write it down correctly, please. If you have any doubts about what you’re writing, just stop doing it and try it again.

4 — Interact. People don’t mention a brand expecting nothing. Most of them prefer to complain and it can’t be a problem for you. They are not happy in that situation, but you can make their day happier if you start a conversation. “Look! This ‘insert a huge big brand here’ is talking to me privately, they’re mentioning me on their page!” ;)

Is not a big thing being interesting. Human are interesting — my boss was right.

Slightly inspired by

