Why another blog?

Look deeper.
Published in
1 min readAug 23, 2019

I feel I need to write. I don’t even care if anyone reads this. But it will be public, so hopefully someone will.

And it’s not like I was not writing before. I’ve been writing short Facebook posts, and Instagram asked me for a description of my pictures. I usually respond to the emails I get. And I write code, design docs and project documentation for living. But I want this writing to be different. I want this to be a place where I can share my thoughts, in a deeper way that social media allow, and hopefully also receiving some deeper feedback than just “40 likes”.

I want this writing to be deeply independent from anyone else’s opinion, independent of my own ambitions or aspirations, and honest.

And if it turns out anyone is actually reading this, well, thank you for honouring me with a few minutes of your attention. Even if you don’t like it, thank you.



Look deeper.

Software engineer, photographer, human being.