Thinglist 1.1

Kyle Bragger
1 min readMay 8, 2013

The fourth or fifth time someone told me I had to check out Monk’s Kettle, I realized two things: one, that I probably should make a point to go there (I’m a big beer nerd), and two, that forgetting great recommendations sucks — especially as a newly minted San Francisco resident!

I made Thinglist because I needed somewhere to stash all the incredible restaurants, bars, and places to visit folks were telling me I just had to try. No more getting lost in my Notes app or in an email to myself. And, it turned out that being able to quickly add something to my “want to-do” list works pretty well for books, movies, and music recommendations, too.

The first version launched a few months back, and today I’m really excited to share that version 1.1 just hit the App Store. It’s been a team effort here at Elepath, the product studio I call home, and I wouldn’t have been able to do it without the top-notch efforts of everyone here.

So, check out Thinglist. It’s become an app I use every single day, and I’d be thrilled for you to try it.


