Ideas for Inexpensive Home Decoration

Great solutions for people on low budget

Pol Bishop


At some point we all look for ideas in order to find advice about how to decorate our home. For most of us, at the moment, the best help are the new ideas of how to do this with little to no expense. In this article, I want to share with you some of the ideas that I have come across and even used myself as luxury and modern pieces to add to my home.

Put some Art Pieces at Home

The best part is we can have this without paying the high price that most art galleries want from us. You can go to your local craft store and purchase a canvas of any size you like. Pick up a few paint colours, anything you like or something that will go great with the room that you plan to redecorate. Paint it! But be careful — this can cause some stains on your favourite carpet, so you need to be prepared and find some cleaning tips or call expert carpet cleaners.

You do not have to be an artist to do this. Paint a picture of anything. Splash some colours on that canvas until you feel it looks right. Abstract art is great and translates easy. If you do not want to do the painting you can always give the brushes to your kids. Kids have a great ability to paint abstract art. Once the painting has dried you can hang it on the wall the way it is or put a beautiful frame around it. You can even make the frame if you have some spare wood at your disposal.

Make a Frame of the Desired Size

You can even use old picture frames that are no longer in good condition. If you are not a builder, stop at your local dollar store and pick up some picture frames. Pick up some fabric from a craft store. This is a great project for the remnant table.

It is very cheap and you do not need much for material. If you have any old items at home that suit your vision you can use them too. Old blankets, sheets or even clothes would work well as long as it has a design that appeals to you. Usually we find a lot things that we do not need any more when doing a end of lease cleaning or cleaning the entire house during the year, remind you domestic cleaning Sydney services.

Once you have all your materials, cut the fabric to about an inch bigger then your frame. Staple the material to one edge of the frame. Continue to stretch and staple the fabric all around the frame until all sides are snug. Project complete. You can use any size that you desire or use multiple sizes to create a few panels to place around the house together or separately. But keep in mind that you need to clean them after that, so you need to choose shapes and materials that are easy to clean, remind you the Wimbledon’s carpet cleaners. Another thing that you should keep in mind is that when doing the cleaning process you should use natural and environmentally friendly cleaning solutions that will not harm your or your family’s health. Most people do not know that fact, but a lot of the common house cleaners are dangerous and can cause asthma and allergic reactions, this can be vital for small children so it is not a good idea to use them at home, or around babies and toddlers.



Pol Bishop

I love to write articles about home improvement and design, as well as innovations and news.