Understanding the Mindset of a Philosopher
I have a rather long story to share, however I will start in the present and go backwards only when inspired to do so.
In recent years I’ve had the pleasure of meeting people from all over the world, connecting with them on a more personal and intimate level than most people connect with others on a daily basis. I’ve seen great tradegy and great fortune in my journey and find myself on a constant struggle to find balance in my life.
I tend to have a different outlook on life than most people I know, I tend to be viewed by most social groups as slightly narotic and immensely disturbed due to my thirst for Truth, much like the great Pioneers of knowledge.
Scientists, philosophers, philanthropist… those who are driven by something bigger than themselves. The people that keep on their way despite what the world thought and said about them. Scholars who learned for the pleasure of what burned inside.
Often forgotten or overlooked is the life of the person during their journey. The ‘Secert’ reminded us about the laws of attraction which fueled new fire into the study of Cayce, a name that eludes many Bryne fans. In order to develop, we musn’t allow ourselves to get caught up on what the world thinks we should be — we must remain true to ourselves.
True to ourselves… how do we create our personal mission? My lifes work is all about aligning my life with the Will of my Creator; this is my personal mission.
Over the past 24 years I’ve had the pleasure of connecting with hundreds of people who, like myself, are also aware of the empowering effect following Righteousness has on their personal lives and the lives around them.
We are a people whole-heartily working for the greater good of humanity. This work is often alienating and relentless. It’s hard to stay on task, distraction is everywhere. It’s important to remain focused and aware and more often that not to remind ourselves of the reason for the Hope inside us.
The Request
People have ask to follow my blog, before I started blogging. I was new to blogging, but hadn’t being specific or consistent in my writing efforts.
I started Journaling in high school thanks to my literature class. Then with the onset of the internet I started blogging on underground bbs and eventually blogging sites. I’ve always tended to stay away from whatever forum was popular.
Getting to know persons in England, Itlay, Iraq, India and most of the Middle East, I felt compelled to open social media sites to ‘stay in touch’. There was so much that begged for my attention to write, I actually stopped living my life. Balance. We mustn’t allow one distraction to overcome another. I do wish I could have shared more of my day-to-day life, but how to do that and still live?
My Desire
I want to stay connected to the like-minded people I’ve met along the way, and continue to inspire each other. The desire to learn from each other, the culture, the minds of the people, the religion, the way of life...
It’s important to stay connected. If at the very least, to remind us that we’re all people — regardless of religion or culture, biology or demographics, we’re all connected. We must be willing to understand each other before we can request to be understood. Because of our unique journey, we have the ability to affect a lot of minds… by simply sharing my thoughts.
Studying the Word of God doesn’t look the same person to person, season to season. I’m not regularly attending any religious service, which has been particularly disturbing to my family. I’m not attending any particular institution in these days… I go only where and when led to go. I have found, for me, six hours meditating with The Word with a keyboard and internet is far more lasting than connecting with people.
I take the inspiration given to me through experiences of my week to lead me in the direction of study. I google both the Bible and Quran on these lessons/topics so I can be inspired how to respond.
I’ve come to realize I haven’t taken much time in the past 3–4-months to spend with God. Why? From what I can remember from the previous season of my life was that I had come to idolize the Building where I went to connect with others and my connecting with my God suffered. Have you ever felt that way? That churches and masjids are filled with the most unholy people? The storm started here. When I shifted from giving God my first and best, to give Him leftovers of my time was the beginning of my fade.
A couple of years ago I was in a place where I studied Gods Word for 10–16 hours a day. Daily I was receipting my favorite verses and reading John and ن daily. Today I’m realizing how much I miss worship music. I haven’t had the opportunity to listen to much K-luv. When I paint at home I would listen to worship music, in these days there hasn’t been time to create.
During writing today, I wrote the lyric’s to a song, as soon as I realized it, there was that song that embodied exactly what I was feeling. After playing it back six times, I reconnected. It’s a great feeling to think about the things that are most important to us. People will not always understand or appreciate where you are — but what’s most important is that you do, after all our lives are personal to us.
Mike Cannon-Brookes has a philosophy on how to raise children, “The only lasting things that you can pass on to your children are not assets, but your value system, and yourself as the best role model you can be.”
That’s also the footprint that I hope to embrace when I’m living my life as the ‘best version of me’.
When I’m not reciting the following verses everyday it’s hard to keep focused on living this way.
“If you’ve gotten anything at all out of following Christ, if his love has made any difference in your life, if being a community of the Spirit means anything to you, if you have a heart, if you care — then do me a favor: Agree with each other, love each other, be deep-spirited friends. Don’t push your way to the front; don’t sweet-talk your way to the top. Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead. Don’t be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand.”
Understanding where we’re going, requires us to focus on what choices we are currently making and do those choices align with our vision or does it wage war against it? Once we have a firm understanding of who we are, we can then become who we were created to be; the best version of ourselves.
I view life different than most people I encounter. I don’t mind I actually often wonder how people can be so short-sighted. I’ve gotten used to embracing the black sheep role for a while now. I guess people would say that I took the red pill. My question is what if I don’t take a pill? Find balance in life. A black sheep is still a sheep who is following a Shepard. To align with greatness, you don’t change your identity, you change your mindset.
What are my tenets of faith? How do I apply these tenets to every arena of my life? These are still questions I’ve yet to answer.
In order to become better at a particular skill it’s necessary to study and practice it. I’ve been connecting with people at every opportunity that possess a skill I hope to achieve. My professional development started to heavily out weigh my spiritual and personal development.
LinkedIn for example, was created to connect people on fire professionally — and while it does that for me, it does so much more. People are people, we are a mind-filled body flooding with emotions. It’s people that make up organizations and volunteer at non profits. It’s people I connect with professionally, socially and culturally — and it’s God I connect with spiritually. I desire to have exposure to the deep emotional and spiritual connection that people have with their passions.
My Story is insight into my mindset and journey living out my life’s passion.
Inspiration comes in various forms. I’ve been following Joshua Miller for a while now on LinkedIn, he provides quotes and statements on things to ponder, today I caught this one “Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment.” #powerful
bang, bang, bang, bang… Last night as we were playing xbox, I realized to get a head in the game it was more important to make many matches vs. waiting for that 1-big one. Each time a match was made the gameboard would explode is sound and vibration and a firework of colors — that was exciting, and it caused other areas to explode too. In today’s society, it’s less accepted to have 1-big hit than to have many small hits.
My boss often reminds me to celebrate the small wins. Ok — so recharge, what are small wins?
I miss connecting with nature. Every summer I would visit my family’s mountain cottage which was in walking distance from a rather large man-made lake which lay in the middle of the Appalachian Mountain Ridge.
Making time to recharge re balances your life and enables you to grow. When we recharge, we’re engaged in an activity that is positive for our spiritual well-being. When we lose sight of what’s needed in order to growth spiritually we lose sight of ourselves, and not being fulfilled is the worse kind of emotional torture one can live with.
I know I’ve learned this lesson before, but somehow I found myself re-engaged in learning it all over again. Some lessons need repeated.
Sooner or later a believer will cry out for help to the Universe and the Universe will respond. Ask, seek, knock.
Going to church or temple or masjid assists to recharge the believer. Reading/studying the Bible or Torah or Quran assist to recharge the believer. Meditating on the Word of God — being aware of all living things in Creation assist to recharge the believer. Exercise and physical activity assist to recharge the practitioner. Eating natural who foods assist to recharge the practitioner. And recharge is what I need.
I recently had a halting moment, I was in a conversation with one of my mentors, when Agage Love surrounded me. The effects of the storm in my life has almost reached full circle, but alhamdulilla I was reminded that I have the power to send the storm away and to rebuild the bridge that has be scorched.
I must not forget I am a sheep who is willing to conform to my Creators Voice. I’m at my best, when i’m connecting with another soul on fire.