AP Research: Outline of Methodology

Angela Fan
Looking Beyond the Bureaucracy
2 min readDec 18, 2018

Method: Content Analysis

Film Selection: Brest Fortress (2010) and Stalingrad (2013). Both films depict the same war and are made within three years of each other, which controls for differences in technology and drastic political or social changes. Both were also identified by researchers like Anna Kostetskaya as representative works of “patriotic sentiment and national revival” in recent Russian cinema They also demonstrate the characteristics of “neo- Soviet” film, as identified by Gregory Carlton, indicating that the two films are in the same “category” and would thus make a viable comparison.

Coding Categories (adapted from Monk- Turner et. al)

  1. Soviet Casualties vs German casualties- I will measure this by counting the number of shots featuring dead Soviets vs number of shots featuring dead Germans
  2. Violence towards Civilians- I will count number of instances of violence against civilians and evaluate the graphic nature of violence
  3. Graphic violence: harm as a result of violence- I will measure degree of violence on a scale of 1 to 5

1- gun wound without blood shown, undetailed long range shots of bombing without visible human casualty

5- explicit close- up of person being dismembered by bomb

I will also count the number and measure the duration of violent scenes

4. Heroic acts- I define “heroic acts” as actions for the benefit of another that put the character at risk of harm or worse. I will count the number of “heroic acts

5. Use of Russia as inspiration- I will count the number of times soldiers say the word “motherland”, “Russia” or “red Army” in a positive context ie. in a pep talk

Qualitative pointes of analysis

  1. Dimension of character- I will evaluate the flatness and or roundness of both Germans and Soviets
  2. Mood- I assess the mood by analyzing elements such as music and cinematic techniques (lighting, camera angles)

Rationale: Using a quantitative coding system in combination with a qualitative analysis of cinematic elements would allow me to analyze the meaning of the films or elements of the films with more objectivity, thus preventing misinterpretation and extrapolation. This is especially relevant since I am relying on translated subtitles and analyses by non- Russian researchers for context, which could skew my interpretations of meaning along with my own personal biases. The qualitative analyses of mood and character provides the more nuanced perspectives, which cannot be accurately quantified.

Limitations: I am only analyzing two films, so my conclusions may not necessarily apply to all films in the genere. My coding system is also subject to interpretation, especially the “graphic violence” and “Russia for inspiration” sections. The qualitative analyses are subjective in nature, which puts my interpretations at risk of misinterpretation, especially since I am unable to access the perspectives of those in the target audience (Russia). The analysis may also be incomplete as I could overlook certain important elements.

