
Rush Massey
Looking Glass
Published in
1 min readDec 25, 2015

You walked on by

alone ,unflinching in your gaze.

You saw the world

prisms, the kaleidoscopic gaze.

Yet you chose a box

the biggest you could find.

You chained your soul

and unleashed

the chasms through your eyes.

Your heart is beating,

steady, but barely so.

Your mind is reeling,

the colours , in the darkest polaroid.

Yet you chose a tomb

a shelter, the colosseum of your dreams

You sold your soul,

and your will, to the crevices that scream,

watched your blood gush, through the rushing stream.

You watched intently

for symbols and the riddles in our hearts.

You barely wavered,

as you crushed stones and ripped mountains apart.

Yet every time you held,

the world in your palms,a little tingle,starts.

You bound the shadows

to an unforgiving wall,

and slowly tortured , the truth, isolated in the dark.

Your arms are failing ,

shaking , as the weight becomes too much.

Your clock is ticking,

but it is just the start.

Yet you wield the dagger,

cursed, frozen icicle, and make a deep gash.

You shattered reflections,

in mirrors and gilded oceans vast,

Now you are bleeding , heavily into the drain.

Your death will linger,

till it has consumed you and your name.

