About LOOK.in Remote2

Dmitry Lukin, CTO at LOOK.in
LOOK.in Remote
Published in
4 min readDec 8, 2020

universal IR remote with Open REST API, in-device automation, Google, Alexa, HomeKit support with realtime IR analysis

Let me introduce myself: My name is Dmitry and I am CTO of the LOOK.in project. I would like to tell you about our device — LOOKin Remote, which can be useful in home automation, and also get some feedback.

And yes, in fact, this is the first publication about this device in English.

In order to be honest, I will need to say that the second version is just preparing to be released and in order to make it available all over the world we are launching a project on Kickstarter.

In 2019 we released the first version of the device, it was available to professional range of users who have tried already other analogs on the market and, as a result, we have chosen — the manufacturer with an unknown name, but with a device that really solve their problem. All this time we received 24/7 feedback and made changes to the product.

Remote2 is the result of 1.5 years of product development in which we took into account all the wishes of both current and, hopefully, future users.

What is LOOK.in Remote2?

It is a universal IR remote that can be integrated into almost any Smart Home system or even work independently — without a controller. We have already several plugins that supported Remote, for example SmartIR for Home Assistant

Moreover, it does not require the Internet or cloud services to work (Only if you need Google Home or Alexa).

Control your TV, fans, humidifiers, Media centers and air conditioners the way you like.

Remote supports integration with voice assistants such as Google Home, Yandex Smart Home, Amazon Alexa. It can also be integrated into almost any existing smart home system.

Also, Remote is, perhaps, the first IR remote control on the market that monitors all signals in real time and changes the status of the TV / AC or other appliances, even if you turned it on from the physical remote control.

Key features:

  • Wi-Fi and BLE Mesh (BLE Mesh will be available in Q2 2021 via OTA)
  • Native HomeKit support for AC units
  • In-device automation. For example, you can schedule the TV to turn on without the internet and a controller.
  • Ability to track status of your IR appliances even it was changed by phisicaly IR Remote. We name this feature as realtime IR analysis
  • Easy integration in almost any smart home controller and voice assistants available out of the box
  • Internal temperature and humidity sensor
  • Built-in web-server with open HTTP REST API (documentation);
  • Huge base of IR signals and ability to learn Remote from your own physical IR remote;
  • Ability to connect an external IR transmitter or temperature sensor (requires a special adapter)
  • Powered by Micro-USB or 4xAA batteries (Up to 2 weeks work)
  • Ability to mount the device to the ceiling/walls.

Currently, these skills are presented only in Russian, but by the end of the year, we will update services to support the English language and other languages required for our customers.

The process of adding integration has been worked out many times. If you need a special voice assistant not included in our list above, we can quickly — within 14 days — add it.

Temperature and humidity sensors

The Remote has built-in temperature and humidity sensors. They are available in both the app & HTTP REST API. So you will always know the climate in the room. Naturally, since the device provides HomeKit support, you can always ask Siri or another voice assistant for the temperature.

In-device Automation

Most smart home systems are built around a central controller. It runs automation and access control. It provides a beautiful interface for managing your home. It stores all the automation rules, devices data and many other things. The LOOK.in project is based on the principles of group robotics.

This means that you can create automation scripts using our application and they will be implemented without the Internet and a third-party controller.


  • Turn on the TV to the Discovery Channel at 8 pm on weekdays and turn off the TV at 9 pm
  • Turn on the air conditioner at 3 am and turn it off at 4 am
  • Switch the humidifier mode to medium at 11 pm on weekends; switch it to eco in the morning
  • But this is only about built-in automation. When Remote is integrated into any smart home system, its possibilities are almost endless.

Within a few days (or probably a little later) we are going to start Kickstarter campaign to make this device available to the whole world.

You can subscribe to it in order to receive the latest project news. If this is of course interesting to you.

Even if campaign will not be successefull ($16455) to start sales around the world, sooner or later we will enter the North American, European and the Asian market. Only it will happen much later. In january we will start to ship Remote2 to Russian customers.

Retail price for this device is $59, starting from $39 on Kickstarter.

Thank you for reading to the end, I will be glad for tips, suggestions and your feedback.

