Are we live?

Published in
2 min readSep 7, 2016

The future of streaming, and that’s a bold statement!

Hi there, first and foremost, a big arigato for taking the time to discover Look. We know you have a lot on your hands, so we’re not going to push content down your throat, you’ll see ;-).

Here you have a short (<1 min) video of what you can do


Relevance is our name

So Look basically allows you to turn anyone into a mobile webcam, based on the person’s location. We flip the existing model of (live) streaming by making it demand based instead of offer based. Which, as you’ve guessed rightfully, increases ‘content relevance’ by lightyears.

Community curation is our game

The recorded streams have a standard lifecycle of 12 hours on our platform. However, the community can decide to subtract or add minutes to each stream, which decreases or extends its lifetime. We believe our community is the best content curator, so we enable!

We are Millennials

Look has been designed by and for millennials. All our ‘product’ features have been developed outside in. Some keywords you’ll see in our Slack are snackable, instant, gratification, happiness, relevant, fun and connected…

Look’s main features

From MVP to what you wanna see

We launched some three months ago and are really having fun! Since our go-live (got’m) we’ve been pitching and ditching in Europe (Best of Media @ Viva Technology Paris), Asia (Unilever Foundry @ Millennial 2020 Singapore) and the United States (Startup Alley @ The Crunchies San Francisco).

3 main things to remember before you give it a spin

  1. On-demand: A user requests a stream from another user, relevance all the way.
  2. Location based: Connect wherever. If you want to see what’s going on in Singapore, sure.
  3. Anonymous: Sorry social network, but we’re not playing along anymore. You don’t have to be your streamer’s BFF to ask for a stream with us.

Get it while it’s hot! App here, www here and coffee at Disrupt here.

