Look ft. Startup Weekend by Google

Published in
2 min readApr 11, 2017

Sharing what’s unsharable

We’re quite excited to announce that we’re partnering up with Startup Weekend Ghent. The Google/Techstars powered initiative aims to fire the entrepreneurial spark by bringing people from different backgrounds together. During an entire weekend pop-up teams build awesome stuff together. At the end of the weekend the seeds have been planted to continue an entrepreneurial journey…What’s not to love!?

“The levels of energy during a Startup Weekend are off the charts. People are vigorously discussing the features of their next big thing, coding and programming the interactions of their digital product and selling to whoever wants to listen. You have to feel it to understand the magic…”

Capturing the vibe

Quite some people are intrigued by the Startup Weekend concept. Rover, a company that was created during a Startup Weekend, raised 91 Mio USD. Foodspotting, another Startup Weekend graduate, was acquired by Open Table. Experiencing the magic through the eyes of the participants and getting a peek into the event is the best way to feel the energy and capture the value.

Look has been designed to discover experiences. Real experiences captured by real people. The connection between the person requesting the stream and the person shooting the stream is direct, up close and personal.

“Putting Startup Weekend and Look in the blender feels super natural and makes a lot of sense. Capturing the vibe, sharing the experience with the broader community and sparking even more entrepreneurial flames is what we want to do together.”

The Look Live Media Platform

For the Startup Weekend crew our Look Live Media Platform allows to capture the thrill of those awesome moments through bite-sized livestreams. All the User Generated Streams (UGS) shot during the event are centrally aggregated on the Look Live Media platform. Making it super easy for the team to deploy the user generated content for various editorial purposes, ranging from social sharing over blogging to after movie editing.

Be part of it

Curious to learn what Look could mean for your event or do you want to have a chat on how to really capture the vibe through the eyes of real people, feel free to drop us a line!

If you want to learn more about Startup Weekend Ghent? Make sure to check out this awesome event here! It’s going down April 21–23 2017.

