Look Travel Ambassadors | Meet Nastja and Daniel

Published in
2 min readJul 3, 2017

“Traveling — it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.”

🌏 Nastja and Daniel on a boat 🌏

The above quote from Ibn Battuta is what motivates this dynamic travel duo to explore and discover the world. With their awesome travel blog Brownieonthego they share beautiful travels with the broader community. We’re very happy to introduce them as our first travel ambassadors for this summer, yay ⛱!

About Nastja

We had the pleasure to chat with Nastja and would love to share some cool stuff about her with you!

Q: Tell us a bit more about yourself?

“I’m 24 years old, born and raised in the beautiful Slovenia. I’m super interested in traveling and nature. I love hiking, taking photos, cooking and writing about everything on my blog. My favorite food is definitely anything Italian, my mom’s, grandma’s and boyfriend’s food 😁.”

Q: Why do you love traveling?

“To explore new places, try new food, learn new languages, make new friends and learn about the culture. It makes me happy!”

Q: What’s your favorite travel destination?


Q: What’s your most memorable travel memory to date?

“I met with Pedro Opeka in Madagascar. For me he is the most inspirational person in the world.’

Q: What are your travel plans this summer?

“We’re traveling through Slovenia, Austria, Hungary, Italy, Croatia, England, Wales, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Portugal during the next four months. First stop is the UK, and more precisely London, Bath, Cotswolds, Wales and Sheffield.”

Q: Why do you ❤️ Look?

“I just love the idea that I can share my experiences with people who virtually ask me to livestream my travels! It feels very personal and engaging! I would love to share everything with everyone 😃!”

Q: Super cool! How can we follow you?

“Well, I’ll be sharing my travels with the Look app of course 😎! So make sure to grab the app (if you haven’t already) and request some streams or check out the streams in the popular tab! I’m also quite active on Instagram, Facebook and on our travel blog Brownieonthego! Enough opportunities for us to meet!”

