Deep Dive into Embodied vs. Operational Carbon

Published in
6 min readJul 20, 2021

By Lookthrough Research Team (Aamer Jooma)


Buildings old and new have a major impact on the overall quantity of global greenhouse gas emissions. In order to better understand their exact role behind this impact, it is necessary to develop a thorough understanding of two vital indicators: Embodied and Operational Carbon. By developing this understanding, we will be able to determine exactly what considerations should underlie planning, development, and construction practices more broadly. This is particularly relevant as we move towards attuning development with sustainability practices and ecological considerations, in order to drive forth carbon neutrality and increased climate consciousness. More specifically, this is because an understanding of these metrics allows us to determine the true carbon footprint of a building. It is however also important to distinguish between the two, in order to obtain a more rigorous understanding of the mechanisms through which buildings can reduce global carbon emissions, and therefore greenhouse gas levels worldwide.

What do we mean by Embodied Carbon and Operational Carbon?

Embodied Carbon refers to all carbon emissions associated with the entire lifecycle of a building. This includes prior to, during, and after construction of the asset; Therefore, all materials used in construction, the transportation involved in bringing them to the building site, as well as within construction processes while the building is being built and the carbon emissions therein are encompassed in embodied carbon. Importantly, it also refers to all carbon emissions involved in maintenance and eventually in demolishing and repurposing the building. It is for this reason that cement, a primary raw material in building construction, is responsible for approximately 7% of the world’s carbon emissions. Thus, we can see that embodied carbon refers to all carbon emissions that can be traced back to the creation of the asset and the energy and industrial processes used in order to process, manufacture, and logistically execute. According to the Greenhouse gas protocol from emissions counting, embodied carbon is included within Scope 3 emissions.

On the contrary, operational carbon includes all carbon emissions that stem from the utilization of energy in order to power, and run the building itself. Specifically, these include all emissions released from energy sources used in order to operate heating, cooling, lighting, and ventilation systems in a building. In this manner, operational carbon stems specifically from the utilization of energy resources in order to continually power and run the building; Therefore, it can change depending on utilization patterns, modes of energy, efficiency, renovation, and changes to a building’s structure. Most of these emissions can be traced to electricity, natural gas, and to a lesser extent wood, propane, and fuel oil. Hence, we can also deduce that operational carbon emissions vary over a period of time given that they are inextricably tied to utilization patterns, and can also be improved by the institution of technologies that improve overall energy efficiency and reduce required factor inputs. This factor is of crucial importance in distinguishing operational carbon from embodied carbon, as the latter can not be altered/improved as time progresses and is effectively fixed once construction begins. They are primarily categorized as Scope 1 and 2 emissions.


Are Levels of Embodied and Operational Carbon Static?

Operational Carbon emissions across the world have been steadily decreasing primarily due to an increasing shift towards renewable energy resources for the creation of vital energy sources (such as electricity), along with substantial innovations in energy efficiency (that therefore lower the overall carbon cost for buildings as even by utilizing less energy, they are able to create more power). Currently, operational carbon emissions account for a substantially larger portion of building emissions when compared to embodied carbon emissions. However, the comparative share of embodied carbon emissions is likely to increase substantially as strides are made in improving and reducing operational carbon emissions. According to Architecture 2030, this will result in the comparative share of embodied carbon to operational carbon growing substantially, to 49% by the end of 2050. As we have already established that embodied carbon emissions are locked in place from the outset, significant action must be taken immediately in order to reduce these emissions. In the absence of these efforts, it will most likely be impossible to achieve overall carbon neutrality from buildings in line with SDG’s and efforts to achieve “Net-Zero” advocated for by the UN and the Paris Climate Accords.

Photo by Vlad Busuioc on Unsplash

How should our understanding of embodied and operational carbon inspire practical developmental policy?

In order to reduce the overarching impact of buildings on greenhouse emissions, it is of utmost importance that both embodied and operational carbon emissions are reduced. Strides are already being made towards reducing the share of the latter, however concerted effort is still required in order to target the reduction of embodied carbon emissions. Given that their share will increase in the future, it is of paramount importance that it is addressed. In order to achieve this, it is necessary that buildings are built with this objective in mind. The concrete industry, the most common material used in building construction, would currently be the world’s third largest greenhouse gas emitter if it were its own country. Therefore, new buildings that are constructed should focus upon utilizing more energy efficient and sustainable construction materials, and research and development should concentrate on finding increasingly durable and low-carbon alternatives for current materials (such as cement). There should also be a concerted effort towards reducing waste, and increased investment in renewable and sustainable forms of energy to power these processes from extraction to production processes. In terms of operational carbon, once again efforts should be concentrated on simultaneously increasing efficiency and on reducing reliance upon traditionally carbon intensive forms of energy. By doing so, we will make substantial progress towards making low carbon, high performance buildings a reality — paving the way for the achievement of “Net Zero” carbon emissions.


As established, a rigorous understanding of both operational and embodied carbon is necessary in order to move us closer as a global community towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals and Net-Zero targets. While operational carbon emissions can be altered through a plethora of avenues, presently and in the future, the same can not be said for embodied carbon emissions. The latter is permanent once construction on a building begins, and with the share of embodied carbon emissions rising to 49% by 2050 — it necessitates significant attention and scrutiny. In order to remain staunchly committed towards reducing global greenhouse gas emissions however, we must concentrate on reducing the share of both. This can be achieved by focusing on sustainable building practices, materials, durability, as well as by continuing to devote attention towards the improvement of energy efficiency and the increasing utilization of renewable and sustainable forms of energy. By pursuing such a course of action, we will be able to reduce both embodied and operational carbon emissions, and reduce the role of the construction and real estate industry in being an obstacle towards the achievement of carbon neutrality.




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