Become a Facebook Libra Blockchain Developer and Master the Move Programming Language with CryptoZombies 👨‍💻

🤖 Robert
Loom Network
Published in
5 min readNov 6, 2019
CryptoZombies for Libra will allow you to learn and master the basics of Facebook’s Libra Blockchain and the Move Programming Language at your own pace in a fun, interactive manner — so you can build and deploy your own app.

TL;DR: We have just launched a brand new course covering the basics of Libra Blockchain as part of the CryptoZombies platform — the most popular blockchain programming code school, where over 415,672+ students have learned Solidity and Ethereum dapp development. In this new course, you can master the basics of Facebook’s Libra Blockchain and the Move Programming Language in a fun, interactive manner. If you are interested in getting a head start, please read on.

CryptoZombies for Libra Blockchain at a Glance:

  • Learn at your own pace without feeling rushed.
  • Gradually progress from basic to advanced concepts without compromising any understanding.
  • Built by the creators of CryptoZombies — the most popular code school where over 415,672+ students have learned Solidity and Ethereum dapp development.
  • Improve your coding skills and employment opportunities.
  • Get an early advantage on one of the biggest upcoming disruptions in the payments space.
  • Since the lessons are fun and interactive — learning is enjoyable and intellectually stimulating.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you should have already heard about Facebook’s Libra Blockchain by now.

Now, you might think Libra is going to be successful enough to destabilize the financial system and undermine the sovereignty of governments and central banks — with people being forced to send virtual dollar bills to strippers, etc.

Or you might think Libra is going to be stopped dead in its tracks and never see the light of day.

It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future. — Yogi Berra

In reality, it doesn’t really matter which camp you’re in.

How you feel about Libra doesn’t matter at all — what matters is, how will you react if Facebook’s Libra does become a reality?

I know many of you are going to be outraged about the possibility of one of the biggest, privacy-violating, centralized technology companies being involved in decentralized blockchain technology.

But let me play devil’s advocate for a second.

What if Libra becomes the vehicle in which blockchain technology finally goes mainstream? 🤔

Let me remind you that Facebook has some of the most talented engineers on the planet.

Let me also remind you that Facebook has 2.45 BILLION monthly active users as of September 30, 2019.

That means, if Libra becomes a reality — it’s going to make some serious waves in payments because more that 2 billion users are already locked and loaded, ready to go.

To make matters even more interesting — Facebook is going to allow developers to build, deploy, and make their app accessible to that same 2+ billion people — and potentially way more with additional third-party integrations.

In other words — it might be wise for us to assume that Libra is going to be HUGE — and anyone (especially developers) who acts according to that assumption is likely going to be rewarded well for their foresight.

There is a risk that the blockchain that is the most serious about decentralization may not be the chain that is most adopted by mainstream consumers.

— Kevin Owocki

If we know one thing: it’s that humans are terrible at making future predictions.

But what we can all agree on is…

Libra is making a ton of noise, and will continue to make even more noise as time goes on.

I mean — Facebook hasn’t even released Libra yet — and there are presidents, regulators, central banks, and entire countries working hard to bury Libra deep in the ground before it’s even born.

Wonder why… 🤔

But what do we know? We aren’t politicians.

We (Loom Network) just specialize in building powerful tools for blockchain developers interested in building scalable dapps.

Developers should be able to build a dapp just once and offer it to all the users on all the major blockchains simultaneously — without limiting the potential reach of their dapp.

In order to do this, we have already integrated with major blockchains like Ethereum, Binance Chain, and Tron.

We are also planning on integrating with Libra, Bitcoin, Cosmos, and others.

But — this article is not about that — it’s about something MUCH bigger.

This article is about teaching as many developers as possible about Facebook’s Libra Blockchain and the Move Programming Language — in a fun, interactive manner — so that they are well prepared for what might be one of the biggest upcoming disruptions in the payments space.

So that’s why we’re letting you know…

CryptoZombies for Libra and Move is Finally Here!

CryptoZombies for Libra will allow you to master the basics of Facebook’s Libra Blockchain and the Move programming language in record time.


You Are Now Moments Away from Mastering Libra and the Move Programming Language!

That’s right, captain.

We built this course to help you learn Libra and Move in record time, with our bite-sizes and interactive CryptoZombies lessons.

Since CryptoZombies for Libra allows you to learn at your own pace — you’ll be able to absorb all of the important concepts before moving on to advanced concepts.

Now, any aspiring Libra developer in the world can get a head start by learning the fundamentals of developing with Libra and Move before Libra Blockchain is even released.

What it feels like to Master Libra and Move before everyone else

As a developer, imagine being at such an advantage 😉

Enough chit chat — if you are interested in test driving this bad boy, go ahead and try CryptoZombies for Libra right now 👈

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