Clever Flare Is Doing an Airdrop for LOOM Stakers

Luke Zhang
3 min readNov 13, 2019


Meet the latest project building on Loom Basechain: Clever Flare, an innovative e-learning platform offering the knowledge developers need to earn an income in the industries of today and tomorrow.

What Is Clever Flare?

Clever Flare is an interactive and video-based code school that is revolutionizing the earning structures of how technical content is being built on the internet. They incentivize their content creators to produce top quality courses by allowing them to own part of the platform and share in the long-term benefits. They offer courses in Solidity and Smart Contracts, Blockchain Infrastructure and Deployment, Kubernetes, and Golang.

Clever Flare will also be taking over our CryptoZombies, our popular Solidity learning resource!

Why Is CryptoZombies Moving?

It’s been a wild ride since Fred Wilson (venture capitalist and co-founder of Union Square Ventures) first blogged about CryptoZombies, until it became known all over the world and translated into 11 languages. Lots of people stop me and tell me how much they love CryptoZombies and how easy it is to learn from.

However, over the past year or so, it hasn’t been getting the most attention. We have mainly been focused on Basechain, integrations to other major chains, and the LOOM token — meanwhile, CryptoZombies has suffered. We need to continue focusing on the chain and the LOOM token, and we will be onboarding more and more teams to build apps on Basechain to make it grow even faster.

We are super excited about handing CryptoZombies off to the Clever Flare team. It is now time for us to let this butterfly free.

Why Is this Exciting?

E-learning for software developers has been stuck in this over-VC-funded rut of boring videos and cheating content creators. But since Clever Flare is built on Basechain, they’ll be allowing content creators to own part of the platform and share in the long-term benefits.

Also, the concise interactive lessons will make learning to code way less boring, and you’ll be able to master these languages on your breaks or in your spare time.

So if you want to level up your blockchain development game in Libra, Solidity, Microservices, or Kubernetes skills, this is your chance — many interesting courses are coming to the platform.

Clever Flare will be launching some new Libra and Solidity Courses pretty soon. I recently wrote an article about how Libra is going to change the blockchain. Now you can be one of the first developers to learn about it.

In the meantime, look out below! Clever Flare is holding an airdrop for LOOM Stakers.

Token Airdrop

As part of the becoming Clever Flare, they have agreed to do a token airdrop event for LOOM stakers.

If you have some LOOM locked up for 3 months or more from Loom Network’s staking dashboard, then you’ll receive Clever Flare tokens to use on their e-learning platform.

And if you haven’t had a chance to do so already, you can stake your LOOM tokens on our Staking Dashboard. There’s also a handy Staking Guide on the dashboard, and an FAQ if you got questions.

We’re doing this airdrop with Clever Flare as a big thank you for all of your CryptoZombies support over the years.

I’m really looking forward to the token airdrop, making learning to code more fun and interesting, and benefiting the experts who create these practical and challenging courses.


Clever Flare is an amazing e-learning platform built on Loom Network’s Basechain, and they will be taking over CryptoZombies. As a big thanks to LOOM stakers, they will be conducting a token airdrop in mid December.

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