Loom Network Partners with Trust Wallet to Add Mobile Deep Linking for DApps

Luke Zhang
Loom Network
Published in
4 min readMay 5, 2018
From a UX standpoint, deeplinking makes mobile DApps SUPER SIMPLE to use.

Native DApp Support on Mobile SUCKS 😐

At the moment, even the SIMPLEST action requires a full blown transaction.

I am talking about trivial things like: making a single move in a card game or changing the profile picture of your account.

In other words, the user experience of DApps SUCK.

If Jony Ive tried to use a DApp on mobile right now, he would die from a heart attack and Apple will need a new designer.

The User Experience of native DApps are almost as bad as this

The reason why trivial actions require full blown transactions is because they are treated with the same severity and security as if you were moving millions of dollars.

How ridiculous is that?

It would be like the UX equivalent of trying to kill a fly with a high-powered chainsaw.

Loom DAppChains solved this problem on Desktop by offloading non-financial DApps from Ethereum mainnet and letting the developers handle trivial actions in the DApp without forcing confirmations at each step.

...and If a financial transaction requires high security, it falls back on Ethereum mainnet.

This process works well on browsers equipped with a bridge like MetaMask.

…But on Mobile, DApps can only exist in the form of a web page displayed inside of a DApp browser.

In other words, there is no good solution for native mobile games (or DApps) to work with Ethereum alone.

Side note: You CAN embed an Ethereum wallet in a game, but that requires the user to manage yet another wallet, which introduces more friction and serious security issues.

The Solution: Deep Linking Support

Deep linking is when native mobile apps communicate with each other and perform complex tasks.

It ain’t new either.

It’s how you log into Facebook’s mobile app or pay using WeChat or share a picture of the avocado toast you had for lunch on Instagram.

User experience using the iOS transfer gateway

How Does Deep Linking Work?

The idea is simple: Instead of sending your login information, we send a tightly packed (i.e. compressed) Ethereum transaction to a secure wallet.

The wallet then signs and confirms the transaction and returns the user back to the game or app.

From a UX standpoint, there’s no friction — and the whole process is smooth like butter.

This way, your wallet and the tokens within it can be secured via a dedicated (and trusted) wallet.

…and every game that utilizes this deep link protocol can work with the Blockchain without any additional steps.

Partnership with Trust Wallet

That’s why we are excited to announce our partnership with Trust Wallet — one of the most feature-rich ERC20 wallets in active development. We will be working together on delivering a easy to use deep linking standard.

Native deep linking will a built in feature for any DApp developer using the Loom’s SDK.

Which means, any DApp built on top of Loom’s SDK will be able to interact with the Ethereum mainnet natively without having to muck around like a nerd.

Loom SDK is Almost Ready (+Worldwide Hackathons Coming)

Update: We publicly released the Loom SDK beta in June, 2018. Check out the announcement and the docs site.

Just in case you aren’t aware…

Our SDK is almost ready for public release.

Along with the SDK launch, we will be launching a whole bunch of hackathons to get Blockchain developers using Loom’s SDK.

Since it is the easiest way for any developer to build and deploy a scalable DApp, it would be a crime for them to not know about Loom’s SDK.

Last but not least, we are also compiling a list of all the other (incredible) services we are offering Loom Developers (like an indexing layer we built etc.) along with a few more surprises.

So, buckle up and keep your eyes peeled open 😎

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